

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I love box....I love box.

With Nola turning 1, we went out and bought her a big girl car-seat. In true, one-year-old fashion, she was much more interested in the box than in the fact that she can now sit forward-facing in the car.

Here is some fun we had with her and the box.


Here's a video of Nola eating her birthday cake. She was so sweet.

One of the best parts of Nola's birthday party for me was watching our family love Nola. Really, I could never express how it makes me feel to watch the people who mean the most to me, fall in love with the best thing in my world. Each time my brother says he loves her and that shes pretty, my heart does a flip.

Oh the joy!!

It's party time!!

On March 5, we held Nola and her big cousin, Eva's birthday party! It was tons of fun! We had almost all of the family come - even G.G. came home from Arizona to celebrate!

Here are some pics of our party!!

Cousins!! These are all the Walton cousins - Eva, Jaxon, Ami, Orin and Nola :)

Eva enjoying some yummy birthday cake. Isn't she the cutest? Nola enjoying her first piece of cake. She was in heaven :)
Dori and Meg - two of my wonderful sisters!

Uncle AJ and Auntie Sarah hanging with Nola!

Lookin' good, Jax.

The gang!

Nola opening her present from Auntie Cola and Eva. Auntie made her some sweet little crochet stuffed animals! How special :)

Reading a card. She actually still plays with all of the cards from her birthday. We keep them on her bookshelf and she pulls them out and walks around the house with them.

Opening her present from Mommy and Daddy!

Opening her present from Uncle Clint and Auntie Nickie. They win the prize - Nola's favorite gift. She is ALWAYS playing with her dump truck :)

Eva was unbelievably sweet! After she opened each gift, she went and gave a hug to whom ever gave it to her. She even went and hugged G.G. and my parents, whom she barely even knows. Its was so sweet!

Munchin' away!

This picture is BEAUTIFUL!!! Love these girls to death!

Nola and Auntie Dori!! LOVE YOU!!

We decorated each side of the table for each girl. This is Nola's side.

HUGE shout out to Nickie who made both Eva and Nola's beautiful birthday cakes! We loved them and they were delicious!!

The table :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

These are a few of my favourite things!

Here is a video of Nola doing some of her favourite things - dancing and making a mess.


Nols is ONE!!

Weight: 20 lbs 6 oz

Clothing: 6-12 month, 12 month

Diaper: 3

Teeth: two top, two bottom


Toy: a diaper, her dump truck, mega blocks, soothers

Song: anything playing on the record player, expecially Johnny Cash

Food: cheerios, spaghetti, gerber toddler baby food, apple sauce

Noise: 'da-da', 'dah', blowing raspberries, random ramblings

Activity: dancing, walking all over the house, throwing things in the tub or toilet (yes, the bathroom door now stays close), down-ward facing dog (putting her head on the ground and looking through her legs), pulling the shows off the shoe rack, opening and closing the kitchen cupboards.


- new words and sounds

- running! Oh boy...

- waving. SO cute!

- shes now in her big girl car seat!

- how to sit still!! Its awesome to have her just sit on my lap!


- waving he nose wiped.

- getting dressed.

- as always, her Daddy! She always wants to go to him.
- Daycare. She is so happy there. When we pick her up, she just jabbers on and on about her day :)
- tubby time!
- playing in the living room with Mom and Dad.
- Dancing to Johnny Cash

Best part of being a Mom:

-picking her up from Daycare. Boy, do I ever miss her.

-playing together.

- swaddling her to sleep.

- watching her grow!!