Weight: 20 lbs 6 oz
Clothing: 6-12 month, 12 month
Diaper: 3
Teeth: two top, two bottom
Toy: a diaper, her dump truck, mega blocks, soothers
Song: anything playing on the record player, expecially Johnny Cash
Food: cheerios, spaghetti, gerber toddler baby food, apple sauce
Noise: 'da-da', 'dah', blowing raspberries, random ramblings
Activity: dancing, walking all over the house, throwing things in the tub or toilet (yes, the bathroom door now stays close), down-ward facing dog (putting her head on the ground and looking through her legs), pulling the shows off the shoe rack, opening and closing the kitchen cupboards.
- new words and sounds
- running! Oh boy...
- waving. SO cute!
- shes now in her big girl car seat!
- how to sit still!! Its awesome to have her just sit on my lap!
- waving he nose wiped.
- getting dressed.
- as always, her Daddy! She always wants to go to him.
- Daycare. She is so happy there. When we pick her up, she just jabbers on and on about her day :)
- tubby time!
- playing in the living room with Mom and Dad.
- Dancing to Johnny Cash
Best part of being a Mom:
-picking her up from Daycare. Boy, do I ever miss her.
-playing together.
- swaddling her to sleep.
- watching her grow!!