

Monday, April 25, 2011


I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by. I feel like I just took a pregnancy test, but no, that was months ago!

This weekend I hit my 16 week mark. I have been so blessed...I can't even begin to explain. When I was pregnant with Nola, I honestly thought I was going to die. I was seriously ill until 18 weeks, had a 2 week break, then went right back to daily vomiting. By my third trimester, I was feeling like a real human again, but those first two were hell!

We found out we were pregnant with this babe 2 weeks before I started back at work. I was really scared, but we knew that this pregnancy was meant to be, so we had faith and moved forward. Amazingly, I haven't been very sick at all!! I had thrown up a handful of times in my first trimester, usually from coughing too much. Funny enough, my second trimester has been a little bit tricky. I had a rough week where I threw up while changing Nola's diaper. Now, every time I see poo of any sort - baby, dog, even if I go to the bathroom, I start gagging uncontrollably. It has been horrible, especially since Nola isn't potty trained! Hopefully, I'll get over this soon.

Here's a pic of my 16 week belly!

My poor blog :(

Oh man, I have been a horrible blogger. However, I feel I do have a reasonable excuse!

Things have been crazy around here!! On February 11, I went back to work. I am a personal banker and I had to return to work full time. When I returned to work, I was 6 weeks pregnant and fortunately, I was feeling pretty good! I was very happy at work - I was getting right back into the swing of things and having much success! Nola was at daycare and at first she was doing great.

By Mid-March, Nola's health issues were getting worse. The doctor had always told us she had croup and that's why she was coughing and throwing-up so much. Nola was getting sick and needing to come at least once a week and it was starting to really affect our work. Then, Doug and I both got strep throat! It was horrible.

Come Mid-April, Nola was getting worse and we didn't know what to do. We had taken her to the doctor and found out she has athsma. Poor little dear! We prayed long and hard on what we were supposed to do. I really wanted to work part-time, however with the nature of my work I didn't think it was possible. Finally, we came to the conclusion that I would put my 2 week notice in at work and we would get paper-routes to make ends meet. When I went to talk to my boss, I was so sad. I loved my job, but I have always known that family comes first. We had a long discussion and my boss told me she was very impressed with my work and that she would like to keep me part-time. I nearly jumped for joy!!! It was an answer to my prayers!!! So, as of April 14th, are having been working part-time!!! Its amazing because Doug works the morning shift and I work an afternoon shift, so Nola will only need care for 2 hours a day! Yahoo!!!

So, that's been our lives. Now that I am working part time and settling into having time at home, I will do my best to be a better blogger!!

Thanks for your patience!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Yes, the rumors are true...

We are expecting another baby!!

Come October, Nola is going to be a big sister!!

We are thrilled!!