Things have been tough. We have been forced into making some huge decision in our life that we do not feel ready for. On top of our own isuues, many of my very dear friends are struggling with HUGE issues. To be honest, I have been feeling very deflated.
Last night, I was feeling particularily low. Doug asked how he could help and we decided that we would get some take-out and go for a picnic. We got Vietnamese food and went over to a green space on the North side.
It was the most beautiful evening.
We ate on our picnic blanket, we chased Nola, we played soccer, Robbie stood up all by himself for the very first time, Nola picked flowers for all of us, and upon giving them, she said 'It's cuz I love you.' Nola saw some little pine cones starting to bud, so she craddled them in her hands and said, 'Awww! Yook, they are baby ones! Shhh Mommy, they sleepin.' She totally melted my heart :) Robbie played in the grass and giggled.
I was filled with peace. As I was sitting on the grass and observing the evening, I knew that everything is going to work out. Not only for me, but for my friends too. I looked upon my children and my husband, and all my burdens were lifted from my shoulders. How grateful I am to my Heavenly Father for the Plan of Happiness. I testify that the family IS central to all happiness in this life. I testify that our Saviour, Jesus Christ, has experienced everything - sorrow, pain, disappointment - that we may feel in our mortal life and that if we turn to Him, He can help us. He can guide us to TRUE joy, eternal joy. My heart is broken, my spirit contrite and my joy is full.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
11 month stat!
Weight: 18 lbs 5 oz
Diapers: 3
Clothes: 12 month sleepers, 9 month shirts, 6 month pants
Teeth: 4
FOOD - anything he can feed himself! Toast, meat, fruit, tomatoes, cucumbers
TOY - cups, tubby toys
GAME - being chased!
ACTIVITY - crawling on Mommy and Daddys bed
- eating. This kid is a garbage disposal!
- snuggling. He is such a snuggly little guy! He nuzzles right into my chest for a quick rest in between playing. It's so sweet :)
- skreeching. This kid is LOUD!
- playing in the bathroom. He loves to throw the toys into the tub and eat the toilet paper.
- chocolate. We gave him some M&M's and he had the biggest smile on his face!
- getting wiped after a meal.
- getting his diaper changed.
- getting his clothes changed.
- getting into his car seat.
What's new
- he is still not walking, but he is getting close! He like to let go of whatever he pulled himself up on, and stand all by himself. He has yet to take a step, but I am not rushing him at all!
Mommy loves
- everything. Honestly, he is the best thing in the world! He still does not sleep through the night, but those night time feeds are some of my favourite. He has such a sweet and gentle spirit, but he is so goofy!! His big gap teeth kill me everytime he flashes me a smile.
Robbie, I love you so much. Thanks for being my little buddy. It's hard to believe that in one month you are going to have your first birthday! Time flies when your having fun. Love you!!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Book club - The Little Prince

I am a little late on this post, but the last book we read for our book club was 'The Little Prince' by Antoine De Saint-Exupery. It was a very interesting to hear everyones different thoughts on the book. One sister LOVES it. So much, in fact, that she designed her sons nursery around the book. Another sister HATED it. So much that she said she felt frustrated while reading and never wants to talk about the book again. As for me? I am very indifferent. I didn't love it, I didn't hate it. I'll doubt I would read it again. There are some lines from the book that are very touching and have given me some insight.
Here are some of my favourites
"To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world....”
“You're beautiful, but you're empty...One couldn't die for you. Of course, an ordinary passerby would think my rose looked just like you. But my rose, all on her own, is more important than all of you together, since she's the one I've watered. Since she's the one I put under glass, since she's the one I sheltered behind the screen. Since she's the one for whom I killed the caterpillars (except the two or three butterflies). Since she's the one I listened to when she complained, or when she boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing at all. Since she's my rose.”
The next book is 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo. I am lving it so far, even though it is a little difficult to read and is very long. Can't wait to finish it!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Camping in Fernie with the Davis'
For the August long weekend, we went to Fernie and camped with the Davis'. And yes, for any of those who have known me since I was a kid, we are camping in my brothers yard. We were unable to get a campsite, and as you can see from the pictures, my brothers yard is really nice! I think it worked out just fine. Unfortunately for the Davis' their trailer was giving them some grief, so off to Canadian Tire we went for a tent.
Macy is such a darling little mother! Everytime she is with Nola she is takin care of her. We hiked Sherwoody and Macy held Nola's hand nearly the whole time. So sweet!
After the hike, we went back to camp, had lunch, and then packed up to go out to Tie Lake for a swim. As soon as we got in the car, Nola passed out. She was bagged!
What's a trip to the beach without forgeting your child is only 2 and shouldn't be by the water by herself? Ugh. Poor little Nola went down to the beach and walked right into the lake. Of course, it freaked her out, so she spent all her time playing in the sand on the beach.
After coming back from Tie, we didn't really think through our dinner plan. We were making TFD's, so we needed to get the fire going and prep them. The difficult thing? We were all starving! The kids sat at there little table for like an hour, asking is dinner was ready. It did take some time, but boy were they good!
Doug and his pie iron. That thing is his pride and joy.
This picture is so darling. Robbie was getting pretty tired so he started to fuss. Macy went over by him and sang to him. He calmed right down. It was so unbelievably sweet!
Here is a picture of our tent set up. It actually works pretty slick! Thanks Megan and Matt for your hand-me-down. It's awesome!
We also hiked the Old Growth Trail up by Island Lake. It was so beautiful! The last time I hiked that I was probably 9 years old! All the kids were so awesome! Nola walked pretty much the whole way (4km), Jack, Jordyn and Macy did great and Robbie slept in the Ergo. It was probably my favorite part of our trip :)
The whole weekend, we kept promising Nola we would get her an ice cream, but everytime we were able to go was right before a meal and we didn't want to ruin her appetite. Finally, we just bit the bullet and went for ice cream before lunch. I wanted to go to the Stop N Shop, but it has closed down. I'm not going to lie, I was really saddened by this. Fernie feels less and less like home each time we go to visit. Anywho, we went and got some really expensive ice cream, because thats all Fernie has to offer. It was tasty and the kids were happy to have a treat.
While the guys packed up our 'campsite', Mandy and I took the kids down to the river for a swim. IT was too bad we both forgot our cameras, because it was awesome!! Of course, the river is cold, but we swam anyways. After some convincing, Jack came in too and then Macy! Nola and Jordyn played in the mud on the shore and Robbie hung out in his stroller. IT was awesome. Maybe the river was my favourite part....I don't know! It was all great!
We love the Davis' and it was so great to spend time together. We have said our next trip will be adult's only and we are going to go cliff jumping. Yahoo!!
Macy is such a darling little mother! Everytime she is with Nola she is takin care of her. We hiked Sherwoody and Macy held Nola's hand nearly the whole time. So sweet!
After the hike, we went back to camp, had lunch, and then packed up to go out to Tie Lake for a swim. As soon as we got in the car, Nola passed out. She was bagged!
What's a trip to the beach without forgeting your child is only 2 and shouldn't be by the water by herself? Ugh. Poor little Nola went down to the beach and walked right into the lake. Of course, it freaked her out, so she spent all her time playing in the sand on the beach.
After coming back from Tie, we didn't really think through our dinner plan. We were making TFD's, so we needed to get the fire going and prep them. The difficult thing? We were all starving! The kids sat at there little table for like an hour, asking is dinner was ready. It did take some time, but boy were they good!
Doug and his pie iron. That thing is his pride and joy.
This picture is so darling. Robbie was getting pretty tired so he started to fuss. Macy went over by him and sang to him. He calmed right down. It was so unbelievably sweet!
Here is a picture of our tent set up. It actually works pretty slick! Thanks Megan and Matt for your hand-me-down. It's awesome!
We also hiked the Old Growth Trail up by Island Lake. It was so beautiful! The last time I hiked that I was probably 9 years old! All the kids were so awesome! Nola walked pretty much the whole way (4km), Jack, Jordyn and Macy did great and Robbie slept in the Ergo. It was probably my favorite part of our trip :)
The whole weekend, we kept promising Nola we would get her an ice cream, but everytime we were able to go was right before a meal and we didn't want to ruin her appetite. Finally, we just bit the bullet and went for ice cream before lunch. I wanted to go to the Stop N Shop, but it has closed down. I'm not going to lie, I was really saddened by this. Fernie feels less and less like home each time we go to visit. Anywho, we went and got some really expensive ice cream, because thats all Fernie has to offer. It was tasty and the kids were happy to have a treat.
While the guys packed up our 'campsite', Mandy and I took the kids down to the river for a swim. IT was too bad we both forgot our cameras, because it was awesome!! Of course, the river is cold, but we swam anyways. After some convincing, Jack came in too and then Macy! Nola and Jordyn played in the mud on the shore and Robbie hung out in his stroller. IT was awesome. Maybe the river was my favourite part....I don't know! It was all great!
We love the Davis' and it was so great to spend time together. We have said our next trip will be adult's only and we are going to go cliff jumping. Yahoo!!
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