I survived Vegas!! Wahoo!
We had a really great trip. The flight there went well and we arrived at our room around 1pm on Thursday. As soon as we got to the room, I went straight to my bed and fell asleep. Typical pregnant girl - sleeping in Las Vegas. After we all had a little nap, we headed out to check some of the sights. We had some drinks and appy's at an Italian place and then went out for a walk down the strip. It was pretty cool. We stayed in the Excalibur which is right next to New York, New York. I LOVED New York, New York! It was my fav...even over Treasure Island (which is crazy 'casue I love pirates) We had dinner at a delicious Mexican place and then headed back to our room and to bed.
Friday we had a casual morning. Ate breakfast at Starbucks and layed around our room until we headed out for lunch. Dave and Margaret (Sarah's parents) were in Vegas the same time we were, so we met up with them for lunch. While on the plane to Vegas, we read about a burger place called 'Burgr by Gordon Ramsey' and we really wanted to try it. We met up with Dave and Margaret and the food was AMAZING! Honest, never had anything like it. It we so good, we all took pictures of our food! After lunch, we walked around on the strip again and then headed back to Excalibur to go watch the Tournament of Kings. The show was a lot of fun! It was a medival dinner - no untensils required. We watched the Kings dace, sing, fight, joust and take on the eveil 'Dragon'. I loved it! After the show, we went up to our room and we were all too bagged to do anything else. We rented a movie - Parental Guidance - and then went to sleep.
Saturday was our pool day. We spent the whole morning at the pool - it was awesome! I am not much of a sun bunny, so I didn't think I would enjoy our pool time as much as I did. I had a virgin margarita and cooled off often in the pool. It was awesome. We headed out for the evening around 5:30. We caught a cab down to Treasure Island, walked around that part of the strip and then had another amazing dinner - pho. Mmmm...I love me some pho! After dinner, we headed to the Bellagio to go and watch Cirque du Soliel 'O'. It was A.MA.ZING! Honest, I sat on the edge of my seat for the whole show! We couldn't take any pictures in the show, but if your 'google' it, you will see some amazing pictures of the show. It the Cirque show with water...so cool! After the show, we watched a few minutes of the Bellagio fountains and then headed back to our room and off to sleep.
We were up early Sunday to catch our flight. We were doing great for time, until we got into the airport. The tram broke early that morning, and there was the LONGEST line I have ever seen. Words can't describe it. There were thousands of people waiting in line to go through security. Because the tram broke, they were taking people by the bus load. So many people had missed their flight, so we figured we would too. Luckily, after waiting in line for 3 hours, we made it to our gate and didn't miss our flight. The flight did leave and hour and a half later than scheduled, but at least we didn't have to find a different flight! The flight was ok on the way home...I think everyone (not just us) wanted to get home. By the time we got to Magrath, it was 6pm. We had been traveling for 12 hours.
When I finally got home, the kids were SO happy to see me, and I was so happy to see them. They had coloured me a special picture of a puppy on an airplane :) And my amazing husband planted me a whole bunch of flowers!! I have pots outside my front door, a pot outside by our big deck and then he filled the planters he made me for Christmas. They are so beautiful and I love them! How luck am I!
All in all, my trip was great. I am still recovering from it - I have napped everyday and gone to bed pretty early. I am so lucky to have such an awesome family. My mom, Sarah and I really enjoyed one another. I love them very much :)
**I am having a hard time uploading pictures, so here are some of them. I will continue to upload pic's as blogger allows**