

Monday, August 26, 2013

July fav's!

Napping in the trailer

Celebrating my 26th birthday!

She is so beautiful.

My boys :)

Me and my girl.

Princess Kitty

'Rock and roll!'

Love my Duff!

Snackin' at The Fix

Sprinkle face!

I love them when they sleep.

Whoop up parade 2013

My mom and I took the kids to the Whoop Up Days parade last week. I was a little apprehensive as Nola gets scared very easily, especially to loud noises, but I am SO glad we went! The kids LOVED it!! They actually sat in their stroller for the first 15-20 minutes...and for anyone who actually knows my kids, thats a big deal! We got them out of the stroller and they hung out right next to us. Nola pretty much stayed on Grandma's lap and Robbie stood at the baracade, waving to everyone and saying 'Bye!' Nola got a little scared when a fire engine came by and turned on it's siren, but she recovered quickly and enjoyed the rest of the parade. Robbie was adorable! He thought every animal was a 'Puh-pee', even though we tried to tell him over and over again that they were indeed horses :)

It was a prefect morning with my perfect children.


Last week, my mother in law came over for the afternoon and I canned my first ever pickles!!! I think they are beautiful and I still have them sitting out on my counter :) I can't wait to learn how to do more. Salsa and jam next!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

31 weeks

WEEK: 31
CRAVINGS: Nothing. I think I went so crazy binging over the last couple months, my body is done. I have been eating like a normally do...maybe just a little bit larger portion sizes :)
MOVEMENT: I am feeling a little nervous that this babe will be breech just like it's big sister. I am only 30 weeks and baby should still be able to move all over, however it favors the same position that Nola was in. I nearly 24/7 have a big ol' head in my left rig cage. Here's to hoping baby will flip so I can deliver!
HOW I'M FEELING: I have actually been feeling pretty decent. The back pain has reduced and the nausea is pretty much gone. I am feeling the aches and pains of the third trimester, but I still can't believe I am almost done. C'mon baby!!
BABY SIZE: a coconut!
MOOD: I have more good days than bad days :)
SLEEP? Ya, right! I am enjoying a nice, long stint of pregnancy insomnia. Bring on the Mah Jong!
THINKING ABOUT: I am getting so anxious to meet baby! We have our room all ready for baby's arrival, and everytime I look over at the bassinet, I feel so emotional! Before I know it, there will be a baby in baby :)


For Christmas, AJ and Sarah bought Robbie a Crayola magic paint set. Typically, we keep presents hidden away after they open them Christmas morning, and pull them out through-out the year, that way they get new toys/activities all year long. Last week, I got out the paint set. That thing is slick!! The paint is clear and you use the special colour wonder paper. The paint is dye free, non toxic and water soluble, so we had a great time painting with the brush, our fingers and our feet. Clean up was a breeze and the kids had a blast :)

Doug's first Triathlon!!

For Father's Day, I registered Doug in the Fort Macleod Triathlon and bought him a membership to the U of L gym. He has been taringing all summer and on August 17th he completed his first race! He ran a super-sprint, which is 200m swim, 10k bike and 2k run. He KILLED it! He placed 13th total, 8th in his age catagory and got a time of 47 minutes. He beat his personal best and it was over 30 degrees out! I wanted to puke and pass out, and I was just watching! I am so proud of him. Next year, he wants to do the spartan race...yikes!!

Love you Dougie!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013


As of late, life has been beautiful.

The kids have been happy, I have been productive and Doug has been actively engaged in all he does. The Spirit of Lord dwells within our walls and we feel peace.

These sunny days have really being a healing balm to my soul. How grateful I am to be reminded that life is really worth it, that having children really is a blessing, and that being married is the most beautiful union in the world. I have my Savior to thank for the strength He has given me to put one foot in front of the other, to endure whatever comes my way.

Life is good.