

Monday, October 14, 2013

38 weeks :)

WEEK: 38
CRAVINGS: Nothing. Food doesn't really do too much for me these days. I don't feel hungry all that often and when I do it, it's usually pretty small portions. This baby is getting bigger and my stomach is getting smaller!
MOVEMENT: Baby is low...very low. I feel alot of pressure in pelvis these days. Baby doesn't roll or turn at all, mostly just sudden jabs in my side, and that big ol' butt bumping into my ribs. I am more than happy to report that baby is head-down and I should be able to deliver! Yay!! (We'll see how happy I am about that when I am in labour :))
HOW I'M FEELING: I could write a small novel in the 'How am I feeling?' section! There has been alot of up's and down's, alot of emotions and alot of physical strain, but I can honestly say I am doing good. Since Friday the 4th, I have been having contractions EVERY day. I am not joking, everyday I have contactions, cramping, back pain, upset stomach - all of those 'early labour' signs. At first, I got ahead of myself, thinking baby would be coming soon...however as the days pass, I feel more and more at peace with whatever will happen. Of course, I am excited to go into labour and meet this precious little being, but I know that I cannot be pregnant forever, and before I know it, he or she will be here. I am trying to keep my thoughts and attitude positive, as they are the only thing I can actually control in this situation!
BABY SIZE: a leek.
MOOD: Doing good!
SLEEP? After many months of insomnia, Dr Malach has me taking a half a gravol before bed to help me sleep. I'm not going to lie, its been pretty nice! It helps me to fall asleep, however I am still up alot through out the night. It is also at night time that I have my daily bout of contractions, so I am typically nto falling asleep until after 12, but hey! I'll take what I can get :)
THINKING ABOUT: Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby!

Sorry, I still cannot upload photos! I will add one in the future :)