

Sunday, March 2, 2014

4 month stat!!!

Weight: 13 lbs 3 oz

Clothing: 3 month

Diapers: 3 snaps in on one side, 2 snaps on the other for size 1 applecheeks. ( I am assuming a size 2 disposable)

Teeth : None

- smiling. I swear, this kid has a permanent smile on his face!
- his jolly jumper. He's not quite jumping yet, but he's quite happy to just dangle.
- the 'baby Buddha' carrier. He loves being worn, and mommy loves wearing him. It's a win-win!
- his fingers. Yup, we have a full fledged finger sucker on our hands. And you know what? It's adorable!
- Nola. Honest, she has the biggest part of his heart. They are best little buddies!
- massages :) We started an infant massage class and John is loving it! Who can blame him - massages are great!
- baths with Mommy. He has never liked bathing, but now I just bring him in the tub with me and he loves it!

- being startled.
- being whacked on the head by Robbie...
- cold diaper wipes. He has been so spoiled! Since I cloth diaper, I usually use a nice, warm wash cloth when cleaning him up, but occasionally he gets a cold wipe and he is NOT happy about it!

Mommy loves:
- wearing him. He really doesn't like the ERGO carrier, so I was nervous that he wouldn't be interested in being worn, however I got a Baby Buddha and it has been great! He is quite happy in there and we get lots of snuggles.
- night time routine. Night time is a special time, because only I can do it! A nice massage, fresh jammies, swaddle, milk and a snuggle! Some days are tough, because I just want someone else to get him to bed so I can go to sleep, but as soon as I am in the rocking chair with him, I am reminded how beautiful this is and that I need to savour each moment.
- watching him and Nola. I know I have said it before, but honest, its the best. They love each other SO much and its totally obvious.
- his finger sucking. I know, I know, I shouldn't let him, BUT it is just so sweet and it's nice to see him self-soothe. And did I mention how cute it is?
- drinking in his smiles. For anyone who actually knows John, they can attest that he is the happiest baby on the planet. He gives smiles out by the boat load, but he saves the best ones for me :)

John John, I don't know what I would do without you. You make everything better! You are a balm to my Spirit. Thank you for letting me be your Mommy!!

Sedrovic Christmas (New Years Eve)

Since we had Walton Christmas this year, Doug and I threw a little New Years Eve/Christmas celebration with the Sedrovics. Unfortunately, AJ and Sarah had to work, but GG, Grandma and Grandpa came and we had a blast! The week break between Christmas and New Years gave me some time to gather myself and I was in a much better place emotionally to celebrate. We had a dinner of appetizers, opened gifts and then had the intention of playing some games. Well, after I put John down for the night, I was SO tired I honestly couldn't keep my eyes open! I was half asleep while opening my gifts. It was funny - my Mom and Dad got me a mug that said 'Mom on the run! Don't tell anyone you saw me.' I read it at least 5 times over, but I didn't get it...I was just so out of it! Haha...that's what sleep deprivation does to a person. We decided to just call it a night after the kids went to bed. It was a great and relaxing time. And again, we were totally and completely spoiled!! We are way too blessed :)

Gingerbread cookies!!

We had SO much fun doing little Christmas activities with the kids this year. As they are getting older, they are more interested in crafts and such. We decorated gingerbread cookies and it was a blast! Nola was making the kitty and Robbie was eating the candies :) They make my heart SO big!! How I love my children!

Christmas 2013

So, Christmas...

To be honest, this past Christmas was not the best for me. I think I was going through the 'baby blues' and everything was pretty overwhelming. On Christmas Eve, we went carolling, put cookies out for Santa and read the nativity. Christmas morning, the kids (and adults) went crazy opening resents!! We all got SO spoiled! The kids were so cute and it was great to share it with all the Walton cousins. Mama and Papa are too good to us.

Here are some pics!