

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Now that 2015 has come to a close, I find I have being taking many moments to reflect in this past year. It really was a remarkable year for me - I have grown so much!! At the beginning of 2015, I set two goals for myself. First, to pay my tithing for each month, every month and second, to pull myself out of a toxic relationship.

 A can proudly say I have accomplished my goals! I paid my tithes on the last Sunday of each month, instead having the money accumulate and pay lump sums twice a year. I have also made huge gains in regards to my relationships, most profoundly with the one I struggled with most. I have learned a lot about myself: how to say 'no', and in contrast,  how to say 'yes' and really mean it! What my tolerance level is: where the line is for Jess and what are the consequences of crossing that, for myself and for the other person. What I really feel about the relationships in my life: which ones do I embrace, and which ones do I let go of; how hard am I willing to work and sacrifice for each of these relationships; what can I give in each relationship and what am I getting in return; what kind of relationships do I feel I deserve; what kind of relationships do my loved ones deserve.

These insights I have blessed me in so many more way than just dealing with the toxic relationship, they have blessed me to truly take a look at EVERY relationship in my life, even the most blissful. I feel stronger and more confident in who I am and the choices I need to make for myself and for my family. My good relationships are now great, the relationships I wanted to work on have improved and the relationships that were damaging to my well being have lost their importance. I have honestly never been happier.

The only way I could have had the success I have had in 2015 is through the love, patience and acceptance of my Savior and King, Jesus Christ. I think the biggest challenge of all I faced this year was self doubt. Every thought, every emotion...I doubted it. Who does Jesus really want me to be? Is it really OK to say 'no'? Am I a bad person for distancing myself from someone? Can I sacrifice service outside the home to make room for more service inside the home?  Is this really the right choice? The Lord blessed me with peace as I asked myself these questions, and then as I turned to Him with these questions as well. My testimony has been strengthened, yet again, that The Lord is so very mindful of His children.

It's now 2016 and I have set another few goals for myself. I pray that I may be able to cling to The Lord and grow even more.

Nola's art Sept-Dec 2015

Here are some pictures of Nola's art, Sept-Dec 2015.  Her teacher is encouraging her to sound out words by herself and spell them from the sounds. It doesn't matter if she spells them right or not, she just needs to try.

A sail boat for Dad
A flower for Mom
A monster truck for John.
A 'beautiful rainbow' for John.

  She has also come up with some pretty funny stuff.

This is a collage she made at Sparks for Thanksgiving. It is a picture of all her favourites things - pie, applesauce, sushi and beer.....

Nola's classmate Euan has been away from school this week, so she wrote him a letter wishing him to get 'babr' (better) and that she hopes he can come 'satan' (skating)  Hahaha!!!

Boehmer visit!!!

Wahoo!!!! Simone and Dustin came before Christmas, and then Britt and Kevin came after New Years!!!! Yay!! 

They were in town for Reece' baptism and came to spend the night. Nola was WAY too excited for Luana to come...she was seriously vibrating with excitement!! They arrived around 8pm and we let the Nola and Rob stay up almost to 10pm!! It was late and we did have church in the morning, but all the kids played so good!!   Of course, Britt, Kev, Doug and I stayed up past midnight ourselves, but man...I just loving visiting with those guys!! We are totally cut from the same cloth. I love them very dearly.
Robbie loved watching Emmalynn play her iPad.
The girls colouring :)

The next morning was pretty crazy! Doug had early morning meetings, so I have to get everyone up, ready and off to church.   The house was a literal disaster - I had dishes and stuff everywhere!!! I should have cleaned up the night before, but I was enjoying my time with Britt and Kev. Anyway, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed about having to clean the mess when we got home from church, but it was the only time I could do it. Can you guess what those amazing friends of mine did?!? The cleaned the whole house!!! Every dish was washed and put away, the basement was tidied, the countertop and tables were wiped down and they even left us a little love note :) I really don't think they know how precious that small act of service was for me. Thank you!!

New Year's Day!

We spent most of the day in Cardston. Mama and Papa were hosting the traditional Secretan family lunch, so we kept busy all morning getting ready. I've said it once and I'll say it again - I LOVE spending time in the kitchen with my mother-in-law. So many good times. We talk about serious stuff, laugh about stupid stuff, complain about annoying stuff, and we usually let a couple curse words fly ;) I love you Mama!!!

The kids played great together! John and Remington were WAY too cute! Remy loves John and followed him around. They played trucks together, and John kept saying 'C'mon baby!!' 'Cause Remy couldn't keep up :) Cut him some slack John - he's not even one yet!!

Watching Power Rangers :)

Around 1pm, the Secretan troops began to make their appearances. Mandy, Mel and Kira were there and it was great to catch up with them :) We stuffed our faces and had a great time. 

Love this (not so) little guy!!

It was a wonderful way to welcome the new year. Bring on 2016!! Yahoo!!

New Year's Eve!

We had a lovely New Year's Eve. We started the day off by taking the kiddos swimming. We swam lots this past summer, but haven't been since then. John bawled his eyes out because he did not want to get in the water, but he warmed up quickly and was good to go. After the pool, we hit up the Pizza Hut lunch buffet. It's Doug's favourite and only on during the week. Since he had the day off, we had to seize the opportunity :) The kids were great in the restaurant!! They make me so bloody happy.

John was so cute! He loved the macaroni and cheese dipped in marinara sauce. He would so gently poke a noodle on his fork, gingerly dip it in the sauce and then slowly, with all his focus bring it up to his mouth. After his bite, we would say 'Mmmm, that's good.' Haha!

We didn't have any plans for the evening and were on the fence whether it not we wanted to do anything. We were planning on going to Cardston for New Year's Day, so we called Mama and Papa to see do we could hang out New Year's Eve too! Nicole and Dally were in Cardston for the night so we decided to join them. We got there around 7pm and had a lovely visit. We ate spinach dip and wings, watched a movie and Papa gave Doug and I the most beautiful blessings (which I will write more about later) 

Believe it or not, Doug and I stayed up until 11:44pm!! Why, you may ask, didn't we stay up until midnight? Because we were so tired!!!....and maybe because there was a scary part coming up on the movie we watched ;)

It was a great visit! We really are so blessed to have the family we have!!