

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Happy days :)

These are some pictures that remind me of particularily happy days over the last little bit. How truly grateful I am to have them :)

For the first day of school for the boys, Journey joined us as we walked to class. This is such a memorable day. All three of the kiddos were happy and excited, the weather was beautiful and I had so many tender moments of genuine joy as I witnessed the growth of my sweet children. These pictures are so precious to me :)

At the public Library there is a large stuffed bear and a little Paddington bear with a note on him that invites children to read to him. Nola found one of her favourite books, "The Book With No Words" by B.J. Novak and read to Paddington. I was the CUTEST thing I have ever seen! Oh gosh, just thinking of it and seeing these pic's again brings tears to my eyes.

I know that there are a lot of these kinds of pictures on my blog, but they really are so special to me. Making silly faces is one of my favourite things to do with anyone, especially my family. There is nothing better than my kiddos climbing all over my lap while being silly and laughing together. I just love these boys and all the goofiness that comes with them :)

Back to school!

With the close of summer comes the beginning of school! This is a big year for us! Nola has begun Grade 2, Rob is enjoying another year of Kindergarten and John, my baby, has started Pre-K. That means I have FOUR afternoons a week to myself...ahhh! I can blog more about my 'free' time later, 'cause I want to focus on my three amazing kiddos!

Nola is in Mrs Fraser's class and it has been a bit of a journey so far. She went to school excited and ready to go, however her anxiety was getting the best of her for the first month. With some changes at home as well as some changes in the classroom, she is now coping quite well. She LOVES school. She loves Mrs Fraser and being in a class again with Eleanor!! She is learning so much and loves to craft and tell me all about what she is learning in science. She can read well, but its not her favourite thing to do. She runs in the running club and sings in the choir. I adore every little thing about this girl - she truly holds my heart. I love you Nola!

Robbie is back with Mrs Fender and I could not be any happier with our decision!!! Oh, it just feels so right. He is at the same level as his peers now and he is happy!!! He actually WANTS to go to school! That very rarely happened last year...I just don't think he was ready. But, he is ready now and loving it! He has become quite the little artist and he loves to draw. He is learning some sights words and has made a few friends in his class. He is in the afternoon class, which I said I would never do, but I don't know why - I LOVE IT!! You are growing so much Robbie, and I am so proud of you! I love you DuffMan!

This guy is in school! Ahh!! He goes full-time, which, again, is something I said I would never do, however it is absolutely the right decision for him. It has been great for him to listen to other adults, interact with more kiddos and get used to not always having Mommy around. He happily goes to class everyday, expect for the 3rd week, where he cried every time I left. Now we have a routine for when I drop him off - I go into class with him and we draw a picture together. Once the picture is done, we hug, kiss and say goodbye. We usually draw a silly guy named Steven, the Hulk or a jack-o-lantern. It is a cherished moment of mine for each day :) He still loves play-doh and usually comes home with a backpack full of drawings and crafts. He is learning new songs and comes home signing them. The other day he sang 'The Button Factory' and I nearly died - he is too cute! John, you are adapting so well to the world around you. Just watching you in class makes me beam with pride. I love you, baby Boy!

Now like I said, I have to figure out what my life looks like with this new 'free' time! It feels weird, to be honest, but I trust I will figure it out, as I do in each new life stage.

Hooray for school!

Photo bomb!

Here is a catch up post going all the way back to July!

All the Walton sisters and their daughters got together for a girls night. We went to BP's for dinner and then go karting. It was a fun night!

Walton Family Fun Day to Calgary after Trek!

Ali time!!!

We asked Nola to bring all the socks we had folded downstairs, upstairs. She had a genius idea - stuff them in her jammies and zip 'em in! Haha! I just love her!

This may be one of the greatest perks and joys of the kiddos getting bigger - family bike rides!

John likes to use the air pump to 'pump himself up'!

Pool time! Just look at those kiddies faces. They have the BEST daddy in the world!!

We watched the Miners Day parade with the Christenson's! Boy, do my kiddos love a good candy parade!

Baseball with Grandma. I remember standing on the deck watching them play and my heart nearly exploded. OH, how much i love these two girls!

One evening Johnny was feeling sad, so Nola put on a puppet show for him. I think my heart grew two sizes!!

Funny faces while at the Corn Maze. Gosh, I am just crazy about this guy!