It has been an eventful weekend.
Last night, Sunday March 7, Jess started having contractions around 6:30pm. We were over at a friends house, so we came home and tried to relax and watch the Oscars. By 8:00pm, the contractions were very intense and consistent, so we decided to go to the hospital for Jess to get checked out. Jess was strapped up to the baby monitor for almost two hours! The nurse said that the baby was doing great - she actually said it won "The Happiest Baby" award.
The on-call doctor came in at about 10:00pm. Jess was examined and the doctor said she was about 2cm dilated! But then she gave us a choice that I don't think any expectant couple should ever have to make. She said that she would go ahead and do the c-section for us right then, or she would give Jess a shot of Demerol to help her relax and see if the contractions continue the next day. 100% up to us. It was a pretty hard choice to make - we are ready to be parents and meet our little babe (and Jess is ready to not be pregnant anymore), but we also know that the longer the baby can 'cook', the better the outcome.
As you can tell from the title of this post, we went for the Demerol and sleep. It was a very weird drug to be on - Jess felt contractions all night long, but she was so relaxed, they didn't seem to phase her. All morning Jess has been feeling contractions, yet they haven't been very painful, so we'll see what develops.
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, Tues March 9 @ 1:30, however the on-call doctor last night didn't think I would make it to the appointment! Who knows, maybe this baby will be here soon??
We'll keep you posted!
Love Dougie, Jess and Blobber
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