

Monday, July 12, 2010

The attack of Mr. Bear.

For some reason, every animal toy we have is named 'Mr. ____' There is Mr. Duck, Mr. Lion and Mr. Bear. Anywho, Mr. Bear is the perfect size for Nola. She can pick him up, give him a hug and his arms, legs and nose are the perfect fit for Nola's little mouth.

This video is hilarious to me. Doug and I were sitting down, eating some breakfast and she was just attacking the crap out of Mr. Bear. She was diving into him, growling and sucking the little stuffed life out of him. Although the video is only a minute or so long, she did this over and over for probably 15 minutes. Needless to say, he was soaked by the end.

DISCLAIMER: No animals were harmed in the making of this video.


  1. That is to cute!! We also have a Mr. Bear in our house...he happens to be pink go figure!

  2. So fun!!! I remember those days! Now my little one is beating up on the other one, and grabbing at everything! WAlking and climbing into things! Wow, it will never end!
