Saturday afternoon, Mama and Papa took Nola, and Dougie and I went into the Waterton town site for a swim! Boy, it was COLD! But so much fun. I am the luckiest woman in the world - my husband is my best friend. We splashed in the water and acted like kids. There was a couple on the shore who were watching us and laughing - it warmed my heart.
<---- Here we are, just before we went into the water.
<--- We have a picture of us eating a watermelon laffy taffy at Six Flags in California, so we only thought it appropraite to snap another. We were both kind of choked though, cuz the taffy didn't have the black seeds on it like they used to :( Oh well, it was still super yummy!
On Saturday night, we had a potluck of Grandma Dorothy's favorties! Grandma Dorothy wr
ote a cook book so we each picked out an item or two to make. There were meatballs, orange twists, chili burgers, spinach dip, tarts, eatmore bars, lime surpise - the list goes on and on!! It was so delicous!
This is Karmyn and her beautiful baby girl, Kendall --->
Here are Kaylee and Kira, feeding Kira and Matts little cutie, Gabe. He is SO sweet - just like his Mama!
Dougie and I werent planning on staying the night, however it was just too fun to leave! We stayed in Mama and Papa's tent while they stayed in the trailer with Nicole and Eva. It was Nola's first time sleping in a tent and we were quite nervous, but she did great! She only woke up once, the whole night! And when woke up, she ate and went right back to sleep! Good girl! If only Dougie and I's sleep went better... There was a huge storm and we got soaked (It was a miracle Nola stayed dry)! We ended up sleeping on the ground in the corner by Nola. We were quite stiff the next morning, but all in all, the tent was a success!!
Sunday was super chill - each family went off and did there own thing. We hung at at Mama and Papa camp site, watched Rudy and went into the town site. Nola was just so sweet! She was wearing her big floppy hat and smiling up a storm! Here are some pictures of her at Cameron Falls.
She just loves her Papa!
Isn't she perfect?
We headed out after dinner Sunday night and Nola slept the whole way home. Again, what a good girl! What a wonderful way to spend a long weekend!
Such cute pictures of little Nola, I love her!