

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I can stand on my own!!

Oh my word!!

Nola is growing up so quick! A few weeks ago, she started crawling. Only days later, she began climbing up the stairs! Now, she can pull herself up to standing!! Before you know it, this little girl is going to be running! She's not even 8 months old yet! Yikes!

Here she is!!


  1. Wow!! What an awesome job!! Way to go Nola!!

  2. OH. MY. GOSH. Did she not get the memo that she's not supposed to do that yet?? Nollie, you're messing up the whole order of things! Cmon! Hahahaha, and I love how Dougie whistles at her. Nice. I can't believe how big she is getting!! Way to go Mama and Pops!

  3. So exciting!!! She really will be walking before you know it!
