Today, Nola is 8 months old!
She's getting so big! Here are her stats.
Weight: 17 lbs 7 oz
Clothing size: 3-6 month and some 6 month
Toy - light up story book, farting car
Food - peaches
Noise - yelling...she loves to yell
Song - "Good morning", "The wheels on the bus", "Smooth road"
Activity - crawling, the stairs, pulling herself to standing
Currently Learning:
- cruising
- feeding herself with the spoon
- pulling herself up on unsturdy objects
- getting dressed
- long car rides
- being tired
Best part for Mommy:
- watching her learn
- hearing her voice, even though its yelling
- swaddling her to sleep
- feeding her new things
- her smiles and giggles
- her lizard tongue :)
I love this post format! I think I'm going to steal it for my next update on Gwen :) Nola is simply the cutest. I love that she is learning to "pull herself up on unsturdy objects" LOL