I have typically used this blog just to post about Nola and our adventures with her, however I am feeling the need to write a post about me.
My whole life I have fought the 'battle of the bulge'. I have yo-yo'd with that last 10 pounds for years and years. When I graduated high school, I was 135lbs. That is the lightest I have ever been! When Simone and I moved to Lethbridge, I put on a whopping 35 lbs. Just before I left for China, I weighed 170lbs. I had never felt so disgusting in all my life. And when I say disgusting, I don't just mean fat. I was slow, sluggish and lazy. It was horrible! I was terrified to go to China, as all those who went before me told me that they gained weight. I was at a critical point - if I gained even 5 more lbs, I would be obese. People would refer to me as the 'bigger one'. I was so scared of that, so I got my running shoes on and went to work. While in China, I only taught for about 2-3 hours a day, so I had plenty of time to work out. I remember those first few runs - I would make it half way around the school complex and I could barely breathe! Thank goodness I had packed an inhaler. As the weeks and months passed, I got better, ran faster and went farther. I also played soccer a couple times a week, did power 90, hiked, fasted from sugar for 40 days (lent) and ate more fruits and veg from the market. 5 months of hard work resulted in the loss of 8lbs! Victory!
When I got home to Fernie, I continued to run and tried to 'work out' at work. I was housekeeping, so I would always take the stairs, even if I had to carry the vacuum or something. I lost another couple pounds before I headed back to Lethbridge for College. Back in Lethbridge I was down to 160lbs and doing well in school. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse with my mood and I ended up in the Pysch Ward of the Lethbridge Hospital for the 2nd time. Life sucked and I started to eat. I stayed home all day, in my PJ's and ate. I gained back the 10lbs I worked so hard to lose.
Then came Doug.
My night in shining armor, in every right and respect. It always makes me laugh - when Doug and I were first dating, I asked him what his 'type' was. He said he likes brunettes (I was platinum blonde) with an athletic build (I was 5'4" and 170 lbs - the furthest thing from an athletic build) Well, I must have done something he liked, as we just celebrated our 3rd anniversary and we are doing great! He helped me lose 10 lbs before our wedding, which I really appreciate. After the wedding, we really got down to business. Doug, Dori (Doug's sister) and I trained to do a Olympic Team Triathlon. I swam, Doug biked and Dori ran, at least that was the plan. Doug and I worked really hard. We went to the pool/gym 4 days a week and trained for an hour or so. We also ate really well - tons for fresh salads and delicious grains. (Unfortunately, we were unable to do the actual triathlon due to illness)
On Doug and I's first anniversary, I was down to 137lbs!!
Shortly after our first anniversary I got pregnant. I wasn't vomiting sick with that pregnancy, however I had nasty dizzy spells which kept me from work. I stayed home on sick leave for the first 9 weeks. While at home, I ate more than usual and started to gain weight...but I was pregnant, I was supposed to gain weight, right? I was up 12 lbs. Unfortunately, at 12 weeks we miscarried our sweet baby. What a hard time that was. We had heard that if you make it to 12 weeks, your in the clear, so we started telling our family and some co-workers. I lost 7 lbs immediately after the loss, but wasn't able to lose that last 5 lbs before I got pregnant with Nola.
While pregnant with Nola, I worked my butt off! I did not want to gain lots of weight, so I exercised every other day and really watched what I ate. I am happy to report I gain only 30lbs while pregnant and returned to my pre-pregnancy weight of 142lbs only 3 months after her birth.
But, now she is 10 1/2 months old, and I am still 142lbs.
I have not lost any more weight since June. Although I am close to the smallest I have ever been, I feel like crap. I eat horribly and often feel sluggish and tired. My skin has broken out and I am quite moody.
The point of this post? To change! I have learned that I can only change my behaviour if I admit there is a problem, not only to me, but to others. I need to be accountable! So here it is! I have an eating and laziness problem. I am going to work at changing my lifestyle to help me enjoy each and every day and to take care of the body my Heavenly Father has blessed me with. I am not going to set a weight goal - I am just going to work at becoming more active and more healthy.
Thanks for listening!!
Thanks so much for sharing Jess. Nola is such a beautiful baby!! I say you have rightly earned those extra couple of pounds you 'may' be carrying!! But, I do agree that eating well and being active sure makes a difference in how we feel! Good luck with your goals!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously so glad you posted this... It's nice to know other women have lows too and that life isn't always bliss... I have come to this point in my life as well...wondering why i've been feeling like poo, number one the weather doesn't help.. wishing it was spring and summer and two i am a lazy butt myself...i hope you meet all of your goals and more and that soon you will be feeling great!! CHEERS to eating well and getting off our behinds!! :)