Clothing: 6-12 months, 9 months
Diaper: size 3
Teeth: two top and two bottom
Toy: musical kaleidoscope, bike, tigger, mommy and daddy's shoes (not really a toy, but she thinks they are), TV remote
Song: 'I know my Redeemer lives', 'I am a child of God', all the songs on her kaleidoscope
Food: tomatoes, bananas, avocados, bread, Gerber peach puffs
Noise: 'doo-doo-doo', 'ma-ma', 'ba-ba', 'da-da', lots of random gibberish
Activity: walking, walking and more walking! chewing on the corners of the table (this is not our favourite), pulling the shoes of the show rack, pulling the canned goods out of our food storage, pulling her books out of her book case...notice a trend? being a ham, especially at church. She'll stare at whoever is sitting behind us and flirt with them.
-she is mastering walking. She does it more and more everyday, and can now get pretty much anywhere she wants.
-she learnt how to clap this month thanks to Grandma Walton!!
-she will repeat words you say, like 'ma-ma', 'doo-doo' and 'ba-ba'!
-getting her face cleaned after meals. Getting her nose wiped especially!
-being tired. As I am preparing to go back to work, she has to get up earlier, so by the end f the day, she is ready for bed!
-sitting still.
-her Daddy, as always. She lights up every time she sees him!
-her grandparents! We have been able to spend more time with Grandma and Papa Walton and she is so in love with them!!
-playing by herself. She is very independent.
-splashing in the tub!
-watching Super Why every morning! The picture above is of her watching it! This is the ONLY time when she sits still.
Best part of being a Mommy:
-watching her walk! Its is so cute! She is so little and she just trots around :)
-feeding her a bottle before bed. I love to swaddle her up and rock er in my chair.
-watching her feed herself big girl food! She gets COVERED!
-listening to her talk, especially when she jabbers on and on. I could only imagine what stories she is telling!
-watching her with Doug :)
-waking her up in the morning. She eyes are all puffy and she looks exhausted, but she greets me with a big smile and a little shriek of excitement! I greet her with the same :)
-watching her play by herself. It is wonderful to see how she interacts with the world around her.
I can't believe in just 4 short weeks, our baby will be a whole year old! I am so excited for her and proud of all she has done over the past 11 months!
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