My little Robbie boy. Oh, how I love him! Life with Robbie has been very rewarding. He has been a very different baby than Nola was, which has taken a little getting used to. Nola was the easiest baby ever....I mean, ever. All she did was eat and sleep. I would have to strip her down to her diaper to nurse, just so she would wake up! Robbie has been an alert little guy from day one. My mom was so excited in the hospital after he was born because she could see his eyes! My parents had to wait nearly 3 weeks to see Nola with her eyes open. With him being alert, we get to interact alot more, which is so wonderful! He is one strong baby too! My goodness! He has been holding his head up for weeks!
One of the challenges with Robbie is gas. The poor little man, he gets horrible gas. I haven't been able to figure out what exactly has been causing it. I can tell that he doesn't like it when I eat anything with spice on it, but I also think it may be the way he is nursing. I have an appointment next week with a lactation consultant to get some help and hopefully ease some of his (and my) pain.
Here are a couple of pic's of him that I have been loving! He really is perfect and he makes me so happy. How I love my children :)

Your family picture looks great!