Sister Pierson, a member in our ward, was able to write down what was said in Robbie's blessing and I would like to share it.
Robbie's blessing:
'We want you to know how pleased we are that you have come to our family and how much of a blessing you are to us and how loved and cared for you are. You have brought great joy to the hearts of your parents, your sister, your aunts and your uncles.
'We bless you that you will grow strong and healthy and that you will be happy.
'We bless you that you will enjoy the time you have with your sister; that you will play well together; that you will care for her. Even though you are younger than her, you will be a caregiver and a watch-guard for her.
'We bless you that you will work hard, not only in temple work, but you will work hard to better yourself, improve your talents and your spirituality. These efforts will bring you joy.
'We bless you to know the importance of family and know that you have lots of family and loved ones around you to help you as your grow. Know that they are there for you.
'We bless you that you will be able to work to support the family you have, that you will take care of them.
'Know that your Heavenly Father loves you.'
As I read through Robbie's blessing, I can't help but think that Robbie has been blessed to be just like his Daddy. So many of the things Robbie has been blessed with are things that Dougie has been blessed with as well. I know that Robbie is a Son of God and is so loved. I am so grateful for the Saviour and His role in me and my family's life. I am and will be forever grateful to the Lord for my many blessings, especially my family.
those are great pictures Jessica! Your new haircut looks great. I'm back home in one week, lets plan to get together. I love you. xoxo