I have been taking a one-on-one parenting class, just trying to learn as much as I can to help Nola and Robbie grow and develop, and for us to have the best relationshp possible. In my last class, the teacher asked if I have been having any issues with Nola's eating and the only thing that came to mind is that sometimes Nola gets so hungry just before dinner that she cries for a snack. A couple of times, I gave in a let her have a granola bar which in turn ruined her supper and has encouraged her to cry for what she wants. Yay....not. Anyways, the teacher suggested I have her help me before supper to keep her occupied and thats what we did tonight! She was so sweet - taking the cups, plates, and forks to the table one by one. Then helping me tear the lettuce up and put the tomatoes in the bowl. She then, ever so carefully, carried the bowls of lettuce and tomatoes to the table. It was darling to watch.
Yes, it was one of those moments. Those moments when your heart completely melts. Those moments when you feel yourself beaming with pride for your child. Those moments when you choke up a little, realizing how big they are getting, how they are not a 'baby' anymore.
I love Nola, with all my heart. She is such a gem! I am so blessed that Heavenly Father trusted me to be her mother :)
Here are a few pictures of the table she set.
What a sweetie!! Your such a great mom Jess!