A week or so ago, we were having a lot of issues with Robbie sleeping. It was really strange - while he was awake, he was happy as a clam! He would smile, coo, bounce and giggle. He would lay under his play mat and play with his toys for nearly a half hour without a fuss! When it came time to sleep, he would nurse beautifully and fall asleep in his crib. However, 20 minutes after being laid down, he would wake up, SCREAMING! He would sleep for a little longer - 40 minutes max - if he was sleeping in bed with me, however I am very uncomfortable with my babies in my bed so this wasn't a solution. After 5 nights in a row of little to no sleep and two days of next to nothing for naps, I took him to the ER to see if everything was ok. After five and a half hours, the Dr. couldn't see anything wrong, so we went home. I asked on Facebook if anyone had tips on helping him sleep and I got lots of great ideas, however nothing made the difference. I was starting to feel very dicouraged. I tried to remember if Nola went through anything like this and then it hit me...AMBER!
When Nola was 5 months (Robbie's age) she ha a horrible time teething. The poor thing was all out of sorts. No medicine would help and I was at a loss. To be honest, when I bought the amber necklace I didn't think it would really work, I was just out of ideas! After having the necklace on Nola for about 24 hours, her symptoms nearly disappeared!! Overnight, she was her old, happy self! Maybe it would work for Robbie.
On Saturday morning, I put Nola's amber necklace on Robbie and since then, he has been sleeping better than ever! 6-7 hour stretches, 2 hour naps, it's been great!
Whether the amber really works or it's just a strange coincidence, I don't care! It's working and we are all sleeping! Yay!
For those interested in trying amber for themselves or their children, here is a link to the wesite where I purchased mine.
Oh, I'm so glad to hear this! A simple solution. Wonderful.