Both Doug and I had to work Christmas Eve until 3, but once we were done we heaed down to Fernie for the holidays. Christmas Eve was pretty relaxing. We did our usual Sedrovic tradition on stuffing ourselves full of chinese food from The Ginger Beef, and then we just hung around and visited. We were abel to get the kids down at a decent time and fortunatly they slept all night! Here are some pictures from the evening
Uncle AJ and Robbie having a snuggle
Colouring with Grandma and Uncle AJ
This picture makes Nola look so big! I am sure it has more to do with GG being in the background, because GG is just so tiny, but still. I can't believe she'll be three soon...
Robbie had a blast being pulled around in the wagon!
It looked so fun, Nola wanted a turn. Too bad she's a big girl now - when she sat inside, the wheels popped off!
For a good 20 minutes, Nola and Uncle AJ threw this bear back and forth to one another. Nola was having the time of her life, and we were all having the time of our life watching her!
Opening Christmas jammies!
Grandma reading "'Twas the Night Before Christmas"
Getting Santa's treat ready. We are to reassure Nola more than once, that she will not have to see Santa. Poor little dear is terrified of him!
I have heard of lots of kids being scared of Santa but never one being scared to see him Christmas Eve. Made me laugh. Looks like she has a great Uncle.