It all started on Wednesday morning. Nola woke, all ready to go painting at Brenda's room (stay and play) - she had been talking about it all week - but unfortunatly she got hit with a stomach bug. She had the runs pretty bad. She sat on her little potty in front of the TV all morning. By afternoon, the runs stopped and she went out on a little date with her Grandma and Grandpa. Everyone was happy and well.
Fast forward to Thursday morning, I woke up with a terrible stomach ache. The runs hit immediatley and the vomitting came shrortly after. By 4 o'clock, it had not eased up the slightest, so off to the ER I went to get hydrated. I have been to the hospital to be rehydrated many times over the last couple months, so I figured I'd get in, get and IV and head home a couple hours later. Yeah right! I was in the ER from 5:30pm until noon on Friday. The runs and vomitting were still not over - at this point, I haden't kept anything down in over 24 hours. I felt awful. They admitted me to the hospital where I stayed until 9am Saturday morning.
While I was away, poor Doug had a really rough time at home. After Doug dropped me off at the ER, he headed to the park with the kids and then back home. Just as he was pulling in to Coalhurst, Robbie power puked ALL over the car! Robbie continued to vomit until he passed out around 8 o'clock. After Doug got both kids to bed, he then had to go clean out the car. My heart just aches for him! The kids were fine on Friday. Robbie was a little moody and sensitive, but who wouldnt be after being so sick. Unfortunatly, Friday evening, Robbie had a reaction to something, which resulted in his whole face swelling. Poor Doug called me in tears (don't tell him I told you that) - he had no idea what to do! Of course, I wasn't much help - being stuck in the hospital and all. I said a quick prayer and called Mandy to see if she could come get Nola so Doug could get Robbie to the ER. Mandy came and Doug rushed to the hospital. Thankfully, the nurses let me go down to the ER to see Robbie. As soon as I saw him I burst into tears - he looked horrible! Luckily, it wasn't anaphylactic, so they didn't stay long at the hospital. They just gave him some benadryl and some advice for Doug.
Needless to say, this has been a very trying couple of days, however the Lord has blessed with me many tender mercies
- in the ER, they did a quick scan of the baby :) I have never seen a baby at 12 weeks before. I was shocked at how...human it was! The only early scan I have had have shown a little blob-baby. This little one was kicking it's legs and sucking it's thumb. It made my heart feel great.
- on Friday night, after seeing Rob in the ER, I was sent back up to my room and I was feeling very down. I turned to the Lord in prayer, asking for comfort. Just then, the clouds lifted and the sun shone bright and perfect through my room window. I felt of the Saviours love and it made my heart whole again.
- the Dr's were very nervous that I had a colon infection, as that is a symptom of prolonged use of anti-biotics (I was on anti-biotics for three weeks due to a bladder infection) If I was positive for this infection, the only medicine I could use to treat it is very dangerous for the baby and I would most likely lose the pregnancy. Of course, I was terrified. We are so very grateful that I do not have an infection - that this was just viral. I try to enjoy every moment I have with the sweet babe growing inside me.
Another huge blessing for us has been all the support we recieved.
Thank you to
- Mandy, for taking Nola for us, bringing us some banana bread and always being there to help in a time of need.
- Sam and Melissa, for bringing Robbie some pedalyte when he was sick and for bringing Doug and the kids a delicious dinner.
- Dori, for chatting with me through the whole process and letting me cry to you.
- Nicole, for coming to the ER to support Doug. It means so much to us!!
- Kathryn, for coming to visit me at the hospital. I was so lonely and your visit really brightened my day.
- Dad Sedrovic, for coming to visit me :)
- Mom Walton. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! She came and stayed with Doug on Friday night for support. I was so glad to hear that once Doug got back from the ER with Rob, she fed him and sent him to bed. She played with the kids, bathed them, fed them, got us groceries and made some freezer meals. Most important of all, she supported Doug. This has been hard for him and I am so glad he had his mom to help :) Thanks to Papa too, for lending us Mom :)
- Mom Sedrovic. I really don't even know where to start. Even though she was not feeling good herself, she stayed with me in the ER until 11pm on Thursday, watched the kids Friday so Doug could see me, went to the ER with Doug and Robbie and was a superstar through it all. She did not complain once, she only held my hand, helped me to laugh, and helped me get back and forth to the bathroom about a zillion times. Thank you Mom - you are the greatest.
- Finally, and above all, I want to thank my husband. Doug, you are amazing. You pulled it together so well. If I were in your shoes, I am sure I would have flipped out. You kept your cool and took care of EVERYTHING. Since we were first married, Doug and I referred ourselves to 'Team Walton', and that is exactly what we are. I am so blessed to have such an amazing team mate who can take care of his kids, all by himself, clean up puke, rush to the hospital, and still have a smile on his face. You are an amazing example for me and I thank my Heavenly Father everyday that I have you.
Thank you to everyone for all of your prayers. We have felt the Spirit of the Lord touch our hearts and we are beyond grateful. Now, it's time for us to relax and get some rest :)
I am so glad you have good support around. I have been with my sister and her newborn in the hospital under an incubator. Family and friends are so important. We have been praying for you. Thank you for updating often. I have been thinking of you and wondering what was happening. I hope everything just get brighter and brighter from now on.