

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2 month stat!!

2 month stat :)

Weight: 11 lbs 3 oz

Clothing: 0-3 month, some newborn

Diapers: 3 snaps in, size 1 applecheeks. ( I am assuming a size 1 disposable)

Teeth : None

- smiling! He is the happiest baby I have ever met!
- sitting face out. He's not a huge fan of being held toward your body - he wants to look out and see whats going on!
- nursing. He's pretty good at it!
- watching his brother and sister play.

- he rarely cries, however if he gets startled, he will cry the saddest cry you have ever heard!

Mommy loves:
- nursing him. Best. Thing. Ever.
- watching him sleep. So perfect :)
- listening to his coo's. He always coo's with the biggest smile on his face :)

John is a dreamboat. I still can't believe he's ours! Love you Johnny Pig!

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