Weight: 13 lbs 13 oz
Clothing: 3 month
Diapers: 3 snaps in on one side, 2 snaps on the other for size 1 applecheeks. ( I am assuming a size 2 disposable)
Teeth : None
- the ERGO!! Finally!
- Nola AND Robbie! He just gives tons of smiles and giggles for the both of them.
- toys. He loves to chew and suck on his toys - especially stuffed animals.
- tummy time. He is not too crazy about the jolly jumper or the exersaucer now, he just wants to be on his tummy.
- peek-a-boo! I can get a lot of sweet giggles from this boy during a game of peek-a-boo :)
- tubby time with Mom. He is so cute in the water - he gets so excited and kicks his legs like crazy! Maybe he'll be a water bug, just like his Mama.
- being startled. Poor little guys still jumps and cries at a loud noise.
Milestones/What's new:
- March 4th (4 months), Rolled over from front to back and then back to front
- sleeping through the night.
- taking formula in the bottle. I am running low on milk, so he takes both bottle and breast and its been wonderful.
Mommy loves:
- talking to John. I tell him all sort of stories and he smiles along with me :)
- wearing him. He is in the ERGO now and I just love having his head so close to me...I can kiss him a million times a day!
- feeding him a bottle. He is so much more satisfied with a bottle than the breast - he just stares into my eyes, grips the bottle and chugs it, with a little sigh with each swallow. It melts me heart :)
- watching him roll and move around. Of course, there is a part of me that is sad that he is growing up, but it really is amazing to watch him learn, explore and grow. He is so interested in the world around him :)
I can't believe that in just a few short weeks, he will be 6 months old! Here comes pablum, teeth and crawling! Grow on, John!
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