

Monday, January 12, 2015

John these days


Age: 15 months

Favourite things to do
- make mischief!!
- open all the cupboards and take things out. In the kitchen, he loves to pull out the muffin tins and mixing bowls. He doesn't play with them once they are out, he just leaves them in a big mess for Mommy to clean up :) In the bathroom, he loves to pull all the toilet paper out of the cupboards and throw it into the toilet or the bathtub, again leaving a big mess for Mommy to clean up. Downstairs, he likes to pull all his diapers and blankets out of his drawers. Yet another mess for Mommy :) The plus side? I always know where John is!! Follow the trail!
- run around. This kid does not stay still. He is off running in every which direction. The only time he will sit still is right before his nap or before bed and that honestly only lasts a few seconds - not exaggerating. He is a man on a mission!!
- drink his bottle. Lately, he has been packing his bottle with him everywhere. We were only giving it to him at bed and nap time, but now he wants to pack it around all day. I should probably break that habit....
- snuggle his blankets. He packs them around and rubs them on his face while he sucks his fingers. So darn cute. He'll thow them on the ground and lay on top of them too.
- eat. This kid has a monster appetite!
- head butt. Thanks Doug, for teaching him this awesome trick...

Favourite foods
- pomegranate
- cottage cheese
- oatmeal

Random tid-bits
- he is cutting his two bottom molars
- he is infatuated with his penis. Do I dare record that? Yes, because it is hilarious. He will be in the tub and kick his legs like crazy, stop suddenly and play with himself. Then repeat that over and over for the duration of the bath. When changing his bum, you'd better be quick 'cause his hands will be down there quick!
- he scrunches up his nose when he is being cheeky.
- he will walk in circles around the church for the full 3 hours. I can't wait for nursery!!

Best friends
- Nola
- Mommy
- Daddy
- ....Robbie? I don't know...he
usually just attacks Rob.

Mommy's favourite things about John
- his wild curls and big blue eyes. I know Papa wants me to cut his hair, and maybe I should, but it is just such a big part of who he is to me! My Dad said 'Those blue eyes and curls are going to get you into and out of a lot of trouble.' So true!!!
- his busy personality. Some days, I wish he'd slow down a bit or just sit with all the other babies his age at church, but he is exploring and I LOVE it. He is learning so much - turning nobs, opening doors, shaking things, making new noises, breaking things, trying to fix things. It really is an amazing thing to witness.
- his split-second snuggles. They really are quite rare and I cherish them. He will climb up with me, lay his head on my chest and suck those fingers for a few seconds. As quickly as they start, they are over and then he is down running again.
- watching him eat. When you pull the cottage cheese out of the fridge, he will clap for it! He has a healthy appetite and gets right down to business. Surprisingly, he doesn't make to much of a mess even though he completely feeds himself. He is usually cleaning than Robbie at the end of each meal.
- watching him play in the bath. He kicks his legs and laughs his head off!

Oh Johner's, I just love you! My wild child - busy and full of life!! Thanks for being my little man! I love you!

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