

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

This woman

Can we just talk about this woman for a second?

This is Nola. My fathers mother, my grandma, my children's great-grandmother and one of my best friends. There are simply no words to describe the depths of beauty within her. She is everything I hope to be. Beautiful, compassionate, patient, funny, honest, loyal, humble, open-minded, a little bit stubborn and an amazing listener. I'll be honest, she is the first one I call (Sorry, Mom!) She is who I turn to no matter what is going on. If I'm overwhlemed or totally bored. If I'm exhausted or wired. If I'm bawling in sorrow or jumping for joy.  If I'm confused or in a place of clarity. If I'm happy or cranky. If I need a pick-me-up or a piece of humble pie. She loves me and she guides me. I honestly feel as if she gently takes me by the hand and leads me to wherever it is I need to be. Sometimes, when I am being closed minded and stubborn, she smacks some sense into me by being bold, straight forward and to the point. I LOVE her for that. She is always there for me, always. I talk to her pretty much every single day, and that is a gift.

As if what she does for me isn't enough, you should see her with my kids!! Look back at my posts...see what she does! She is so engaged with them, so in tunes with them. They are in love with her and she absolutely deserves it. She has earned their love, and she relishes in it.

My darling GG, my love for you has no bounds. Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for being here with me...for being here for me. My life is richer by your presence. I am thrilled at the prospects of many more years being together - learning, living and loving. Both Doug and I honor and respect you...that is why we named our first child after you. We prayed so hard that we would have a daughter, and now we pray even harder that she can live up to her name-sake, and be a woman like you.

I love this woman. 


  1. What a great relationship to have with your grandma. I didn't know Nola (the younger:)) was named after anyone. Cool!!

  2. My Gramma's name is Nola too, and she is pretty darn awesome in every way. Gramma's are the best.
