And that, right there, is exactly what he is. My partner. I am so blessed to have an equal, a partner to share the load that is life. To bask with in the abundance of good times, for comfort in the moments of grief, to hunker down and work alongside with during the long hours of hard work and exhaustion. My life and his are so intertwined that we have truly become one.
Doug is one of the most hard working men I have ever had the privilege of knowing. The best part? It's not just at his job, it's the way he governs all aspects of his life. He works hard, he plays hard, he lives hard and he loves hard. No matter what kind of day he has had at work, as soon as he walks in the door, he is Daddy. He is much like his own father, which is nothing short of a gift. My father in law is so attentive to his children and grandchildren. He is a shining example. Doug is completely competent to tend his children - he knows their routines. He is ever so involved in all areas of their lives - school, friends, morning and bedtime routines, likes and dislikes. He is hands on, everyday.
Once the kids are in bed, he hangs up his 'daddy' hat and is replaces it with the one entitled 'husband'. There are no words to describe the kind of husband Doug is. Sure, he is tender, patient, loving, resilient, understanding, selfless and a total goofball, but those words can only show you the tiniest glimpse of who he really is. Honestly, the intensity and depth of our relationship as husband and wife is sacred...maybe no one else is supposed to truly understand it.
At the risk of sounding totally cliched, I am who I am thanks to the love and support of my darling Doug. I could not do what I do, say what I say or feel what I feel without him by my side. He is my better half, my heart and soul.
I testify that true love is real. Bliss within marriage is absolutely achievable. I have felt it and I feel it now. Men and women are meant to be joined together, to learn, love, grow and bear children. It is my priveldge to be able to have this blessing in my life.
Dougie, I love you. Every part of my soul is yours. Let's swing life away.
Beautiful! ! I think you are a perfect match. Both amazing people and parents.