Jesus taught the people many parables and I was struggling to find which ones to teach my kids, and then also how to teach them in a way they understood. After reading the accounts a couple times, we decided to stick to the basics. And really, is there anything better or of more worth than the basics?
The Pharisees try to trick Jesus by asking Him what the greatest commandment is. Here is the Saviors response as recorded in Matthew 22:36-40
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
For our activity tonight, we read that account and then discussed these 'great commandments'. I made each of the kids a paper to remember the commandments that they could put up by their beds.
Tonight was Nola's school spring concert, so the second part of our activity was to put what we learned into action. We each had to show love to our neighbour at the spring concert, then we'd report about it before bed.
Nola was a doll. For her concert, she helped Brooklyn, a disabled girl in her class. Nola LOVES Brooklyn, and it was so sweet to watch her take care of her.
Nola is the last on the left. She is handing Brooklyn her scarf back after Brooklyn threw it on the ground. She did this multiple times through the song :)
Doug served Nola by postponing his workout tonight so he could snuggle her to sleep. She has been having some anxiety before bed and she really needed him. Doug sure does love his children!
I sacrificed my workout tonight to go visit a friend. It was lovely to catch up and chat :)
John is still learning :)
Nola and Robbie are really drinking in 'Easter Week'. While discussing our activity tonight, Robbie kept raising his hand and sharing any information he knows about the Savior. 'Jesus was baptized.' 'Jesus died.' 'Jesus is resurrected!' He is learning and it is beautiful to watch. Nola's understanding is starting to deepen. 'Jesus wants me to love everyone, even strangers.' 'Mom, when that lady opened the door for us at the bakery, she was serving us!' 'When you are sad and pray, the Holy Ghost will help you.' Again, absolutely beautiful.
I add my simple testimony to those of my children. Heavenly Father loves us and He wants for us to love others. His Son, Jesus Christ, did live. He lived, died and now lives again, through the resurrection. My heart is filled with gratitude for these teachings.
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