

Sunday, May 15, 2016

What I have learned from Abinidi

I am the Gospel Docterine teacher at my ward and today I taught a lesson on Abinidi's message to King Noah and his priests.  The story of Abinidi is one members of our church know well - he was commanded of The Lord to preach repentance unto the wicked King Noah. Noah didn't like that, so he wanted Abinidi killed, however The Lord blessed Abinidi to deliver his message without being harmed. After his message was delivered, he sealed his testimony with his life.
Abinidi preached of the 10 commandments and of the atonement of our Savior. He quoted many words of Isaiah and testified boldly of Noah's need for repentance, even in the face if death. 

Abinidi was a hero, in every facet of the word.

Now, I highly doubt that I will be bound, threatened with death and then burned at the stake for my beliefs as Abinidi was, however The Lord has, and will continue, to send me on difficult missions.  The Lord will command of me to do things that will seem impossible - I am sure Abinidi must have had moments where he felt that - however I have trust and faith that The Lord will protect and deliver me to accomplish what He has for me to do - just as He did for Abinidi.

I am on a difficult mission right now. Parenting.

I am sure every mother out there who has teenagers (even myself when I read back on this in 10 years) are rolling their eyes as they read this, but parenting a 6 year old has been really tough work.  All I have ever known is early's what I studied in school, it's where all my experience lies and it is what I am passionate about, so 6 is a big change! Nola is changing. She is less dependant on me to actually do things for her, yet more dependant on my guidance. I am finding the balance of tenderness and a firm hand very unclear. Honestly....I just have no idea what I am doing!! I often feel lost and that this mission is impossible, yet through the tender mercies of God and through reading the scriptures, I am blessed with perspective. I can learn of Abinidi's story - of how he faced great adversity, yet completed his mission - and know that I will be blessed to do the same.  I can have courage and conviction that not only can I survive this, but that I can do and be who the Savior wants me to be. I can come out conqueror, knowing I fulfilled my mission. How sweet is the peace the gospel brings!!!

My thanks is to my Lord, as always. I see Thy hand in my life every single day. I know I will be able to figure this out, that I will be able to guide Nola and complete my motherly mission because I have faith and hope that Thou will bless me as Thou has blessed my brethren before me. The scriptures are nothing short of a gift. Pick them up and read them!!! I exhort you!! They will only bless an enhance your life. Write the word of God on your heart and allow Him to guide you.

Abinidi is a hero.
And I know I can be too.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure none of us are rolling our eyes. Every stage is hard for different reasons. I was wondering if you were still teaching the other day. Glad to hear it. :)
