August 5, 2016 was the opening ceremonies for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio!! To celebrate, we threw a party. We got a little carried away inviting people, so we decided to switch the venue from our house to the church. We had each family pick a country, bring a potluck meal from that country for dinner and then represent that country in the games we played after dinner. I was so happy – every family brought an authentic meal from their country and dressed up!!!
We represented China and made sweet corn dumplings.
The Irwins represented Germany and brought German potato salad. It was divine!! It had pickles and bacon and dill… I definitely went back for seconds.
The Potries represented England and brought a pudding. I SO wish I would have remembered to take a picture. Melissa decorated the top to look like England’s Flag!!!
The Christensens represented Laos and Pete made this chicken curry with bamboo that was to die for! Spicy and sweet…oh man, I am dreaming about it.
The Larsons represented Canada and brought none other than poutine. Yum!!!
The Malmbergs represented Brazil and Nickie made these authentic Brazilian truffles. They were so sweet and smooth. Mmm…
After dinner, we headed outside to play some games. We had basketball, discus, long jump, water balloon soccer, hurdles, t-ball and cheese puff toss. Doug found cheese puff toss online and insisted we play it. It was super fun!! One member of your team wears a shower cap covered with shaving cream while the other team members throw the cheese puffs and tries to get them to stick in the shaving cream.
We finished the night off with running races for the kids and medals. It was a brilliant night spent with the bestest friends a girl could ask for! The only thing that could have made it better is if the Bates and Holes could have made it. We love our friends and count ourselves very fortunate to have them in our lives.
Now, for the next two weeks, we’ll be cheering on our country!! Go team Canada!!
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