Things are changing.
I am changing.
Life and the things I am encountering are taking me on a new journey. I am facing obstacles new to me... I am climbing mountains I didn't know existed, I am drinking the dregs of cups both bitter and sweet. I cry more, feel more and need more. Honestly, I've been in a state of survival. I'm treading water, trying to keep my lips above the surface, desperately sucking in all the oxygen I can possibly get.
This may sound like a bad thing, but it's not.
I am growing. I am being stretched, twisted and manipulated in the hands of my God. I trust him and I trust His Son. Jesus is my advocate. He advocates my cause with the father. He loves me, sustains me, redeems me and is always by my side.
I have been recording my thoughts and feelings in my personal journal however I hope to be able to share some of this growth through my blog. I hope that my experiences can touch the hearts of those who may read this, namely my posterity.
I believe in vulnerability, so I'm going to allow myself to be vulnerable.
My hope is to show my growth through my trials and for the praise to be to my God, for it is He who gives me strength to face adversity.
I love thee, O Lord. My soul followeth hard after thee.
I am sorry you are going through a hard trail. They are never fun. Sounds like you are trying to stay positive and look for the blessings at the end. Good luck. I will be praying for you.