

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Oh, adversity. Blessings in disguise? Just plain crap? Unfair? Completely fair? Necessary? Unnecessary?

Well, I guess it's all on how you like to look at it, and that is the inspiration of this post.

I first and foremost want to apologize to my dear friends, especially those on facebook, who have heard me belly ache and describe (vividly) the 'joys' of this pregnancy. After me posting some descriptive status of my newest misfortune, my brother-in-law asked, 'When are we going to stop hearing about your daily vomit experiences?' That was it. That was my 'A-Ha' moment. (Thanks, Brad)

No one needs or wants to hear about the latest place I have thrown-up or how horrible I feel. I am sure there are many who just wished I would shut up and get on with it. Or maybe that I should be more grateful - I am carrying a beautiful, healthy child! What a blessing! Or maybe people were feeling sorry for me. I don't know, however I do know that every time I posted about how horrible I felt, I simply felt more horrible.

I have been taught that happiness begets happiness, and misery begets misery, and believe that to be true.

Well, I choose happiness.

Over the past couple days, I have been doing everything I can to focus on the positive - to count my many blessings. Some days, I have lots to feel great about, others, not so much, however I still try to focus on the good and not the bad.

Here are a few things that have happened today that have brought me joy, that I am truly blessed with and grateful for.

#1. Now that Nola is getting a little older, she is understanding more and more. For months, I have been asking Nola for a kiss. If I pucker my lips and look at her, she'll lean into me for a big wet one. This morning after I picked her up from Ashley's house (she stayed there while I went to my appointment), she climbed on to my lap, gave me a real hug and kissed me, without me even asking. Honestly, every pain, ache, worry and displeasure of pregnancy and parenting was made-up for and exceeded in that one simple act.

#2. Nola has been a pretty great sleeper since she was a baby. When we converted her from the bassinet in our room to her crib in her room, we bought her a transition toy - a light-up seahorse named Tabby, who plays soft music for her to fall asleep too. Tabby has been with her for nearly 10 months, and just recently I have noticed Nola showing her some love. When I put Nola to be each night or down for a nap in the afternoon, I lie her down, put a soother in her mouth, another soother in her left hand, and then she rolls over and hugs Tabby to sleep. It warms my heart every time I watch her.

See? Pretty cute, huh?

So, do I still feel like hell physically? Yup. Do I still have disgusting experience that I could share? Absolutely. Will I keep them to myself and continue to focus on my blessings? You bet.

The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said it best,

"I never said it'd be easy. I only said it would be worth it"

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Farm girl

This past Saturday, Doug, Nola and I headed to Spring Coulee to the Malmberg farm for some fun. Doug and Clint went dirt biking after doing some branding and Nickie, Nola and I enjoyed the sun - and the wind. Nola went out to the farm once last summer, however she was too little to do anything or remember, so to me, this was kind of like her first trip to the farm! When we got there, she was super cranky, however she pulled herself out of it and we had a blast!

Its no lie, Nola loves her Auntie Nickie. I am sure a part of it is that Uncle Clint and Auntie Nickie are close so we see them often, however little Nola lights up when Auntie is around! I don't blame her - Nickie is awesome! And boy, she is so good to Nola. I am sure she loves Nola just as much as Nola loves her.

We took Nola out for a walk to see the cows and the new baby calves. The were so sweet! Then we went trudging through the fields over to the hay bails for some fun. Nola had so a blast! She is very independent and she loves to walk. She walked up and down huge hills, through mud, tracker tracks, hay and more! Every so often, she would stop and reach out for Auntie to hold her hand. It was so sweet to watch!

Here are some pictures from our fun day at the farm!

Going to give Auntie a big hug!

Sitting with Auntie on the hay bail.

Going for a walk!

She had a blast picking at the hay and handing us handfuls!



To everyone who says Alberta isn't beautiful? Think again!

Meeting the calves. She kept looking at Auntie to make sure everything was OK.

Simply beautiful

Awwww! For any of those who know me, I am a sucker for calves! They are so sweet!

Sharing her grass.

Taking a spill in the hay

Just love these two!


Monday, May 9, 2011

All she needs is a house to call home

A few posts back, I mentioned that we got Nola a big girl car seat and she loved to play with the box. Well, Doug had a genius idea to make the box into a little house for Nola. At first, she was very skeptical of the idea - 'you mean, I have to go in there, by myself?' Thank goodness her big cousin, Gabe, came to the rescue and showed that the house wasn't scary, it was actually a tons of fun! Since then, Nola spends much of her time sitting in her house and relaxing in her easy chair. She also has this infatuation with the movie "A Bugs Life". She'll sit in her chair, either in the living room or in her little house, and watch the whole movie!

Kicking back, watching her movie.

Life is good.

In her house, reaching for a book to read.


Hanging out the window.

Watching the movie :)

Hello? Who's there?

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Brace yourself, this is a pathetic post.

I am sick again. Sick like I was when I was pregnant with Nola. When I got pregnant with Nola, the sickness came on right away and lasted until the beginning of the third trimester. I thought I was off the hook this time...sadly, thats not the case. In my last post, I mentioned that I got sick changing Nola's diaper, but now I have been getting sick more and more often, and it has been more and more intense. I live on diclectin, but still manage to throw up mutliple times a day.

Why am I writing about this? I guess I would just like a few words of encouragement. I can be very difficult to see the 'big picture' when its all cloudy around you.

Thanks :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Nola's!

I LOVE these two. And they love each other. My baby and her name-sake. Perfection.

Our Easter Bunny!

So, Nola is super cute. Her Gramma Walton made her an Easter dress complete with her very own bonnette. She was adorable! Dougie and I bought her an Easter basket filled with plastic eggs, and boy, did she have a blast with them! She would pick them out of her basket, one by one, and place them on the floor. Then she'd put them back in, one by one. Then she'd take them for a walk and spill them everywhere! Classic Nola.

On Easter Sunday, it was my mom's birthday, so we celebrate at GG's house. Gramma and Grampa Sedrovic, Uncle AJ and Auntie Sarah, GG and GG's friend Helen were all there! We had ham and a wonderful visit!! It was a great visit!

For my husband

You may or may not find this to be a very interested post, but since my blog has become my diary, this is where I want to post it.

I know almost every woman says the same thing, however I truly am the luckiest gal on earth. Doug has been the most amazing partner to share the past couple years of my life with. Since day one, he has been such a strength to me. Thanks to his resolve and many days of fasting, we were able to make it to the temple to be sealed as man and wife right off the bat. He has helped me to be a better saint and a better person. He has helped me sort through my emotions, and for those of you who really know me, that is a huge undertaking. He has been perfect - well, perfect for me.

Just thinking about Dougie as a father brings tears to my eyes. He loves Nola, with all of his heart. Just the way he says her name, you can tell she means the world to him. He has been so hands-on since day one. He was a saint during my pregnancy. Thank goodness for him! He has been there to help with every diaper, every feeding, every evening of rocking and crying. Now that Nola is old enough to play with him, he will spend hours on the floor, rolling around and chasing her down the hall. It's amazing to watch! He is so excited about our baby-to-be! He always rubs and kisses my tummy, always reminding him/her to 'be a boy!'. Haha! He is amazing.

This past Friday, Doug graduated from school. What. A. Victory! I am s proud of him. School has been a real struggle for him, however he has finished with flying colours. This past year, Doug has worked full-time, been a student full-time and has been very present in Nola and my life. The man is amazing. This past semester especially - he worked, did classes, did his practicum, had a newly pregnant wife and a daughter who struggled in day care. So how were his grade? Oh, only two A's and an A+!! That's my boy!

All in all, Doug has changed my life. He is beautiful, loving, compassionate and dedicated to all he does.

Dougie, I love you.