

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Oh, adversity. Blessings in disguise? Just plain crap? Unfair? Completely fair? Necessary? Unnecessary?

Well, I guess it's all on how you like to look at it, and that is the inspiration of this post.

I first and foremost want to apologize to my dear friends, especially those on facebook, who have heard me belly ache and describe (vividly) the 'joys' of this pregnancy. After me posting some descriptive status of my newest misfortune, my brother-in-law asked, 'When are we going to stop hearing about your daily vomit experiences?' That was it. That was my 'A-Ha' moment. (Thanks, Brad)

No one needs or wants to hear about the latest place I have thrown-up or how horrible I feel. I am sure there are many who just wished I would shut up and get on with it. Or maybe that I should be more grateful - I am carrying a beautiful, healthy child! What a blessing! Or maybe people were feeling sorry for me. I don't know, however I do know that every time I posted about how horrible I felt, I simply felt more horrible.

I have been taught that happiness begets happiness, and misery begets misery, and believe that to be true.

Well, I choose happiness.

Over the past couple days, I have been doing everything I can to focus on the positive - to count my many blessings. Some days, I have lots to feel great about, others, not so much, however I still try to focus on the good and not the bad.

Here are a few things that have happened today that have brought me joy, that I am truly blessed with and grateful for.

#1. Now that Nola is getting a little older, she is understanding more and more. For months, I have been asking Nola for a kiss. If I pucker my lips and look at her, she'll lean into me for a big wet one. This morning after I picked her up from Ashley's house (she stayed there while I went to my appointment), she climbed on to my lap, gave me a real hug and kissed me, without me even asking. Honestly, every pain, ache, worry and displeasure of pregnancy and parenting was made-up for and exceeded in that one simple act.

#2. Nola has been a pretty great sleeper since she was a baby. When we converted her from the bassinet in our room to her crib in her room, we bought her a transition toy - a light-up seahorse named Tabby, who plays soft music for her to fall asleep too. Tabby has been with her for nearly 10 months, and just recently I have noticed Nola showing her some love. When I put Nola to be each night or down for a nap in the afternoon, I lie her down, put a soother in her mouth, another soother in her left hand, and then she rolls over and hugs Tabby to sleep. It warms my heart every time I watch her.

See? Pretty cute, huh?

So, do I still feel like hell physically? Yup. Do I still have disgusting experience that I could share? Absolutely. Will I keep them to myself and continue to focus on my blessings? You bet.

The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said it best,

"I never said it'd be easy. I only said it would be worth it"

1 comment:

  1. Please forgive my bluntness, but he didn't actually say that. What he DID say was "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.For my yoke is EASY and my burden is light." Matthew 11:29-30.

    I know how frustrating it is to be sick! And on a positive note, you know your pregnancy must come to an end eventually! Hang in there! I will sympathize with you if you need someone to complain to!!!
