I know almost every woman says the same thing, however I truly am the luckiest gal on earth. Doug has been the most amazing partner to share the past couple years of my life with. Since day one, he has been such a strength to me. Thanks to his resolve and many days of fasting, we were able to make it to the temple to be sealed as man and wife right off the bat. He has helped me to be a better saint and a better person. He has helped me sort through my emotions, and for those of you who really know me, that is a huge undertaking. He has been perfect - well, perfect for me.
Just thinking about Dougie as a father brings tears to my eyes. He loves Nola, with all of his heart. Just the way he says her name, you can tell she means the world to him. He has been so hands-on since day one. He was a saint during my pregnancy. Thank goodness for him! He has been there to help with every diaper, every feeding, every evening of rocking and crying. Now that Nola is old enough to play with him, he will spend hours on the floor, rolling around and chasing her down the hall. It's amazing to watch! He is so excited about our baby-to-be! He always rubs and kisses my tummy, always reminding him/her to 'be a boy!'. Haha! He is amazing.
This past Friday, Doug graduated from school. What. A. Victory! I am s proud of him. School has been a real struggle for him, however he has finished with flying colours. This past year, Doug has worked full-time, been a student full-time and has been very present in Nola and my life. The man is amazing. This past semester especially - he worked, did classes, did his practicum, had a newly pregnant wife and a daughter who struggled in day care. So how were his grade? Oh, only two A's and an A+!! That's my boy!
All in all, Doug has changed my life. He is beautiful, loving, compassionate and dedicated to all he does.
Dougie, I love you.

I love this. I know it makes me a sap... but I love it.