After many trips to the doctor, I am finally on a medicinal concoction that seems to be working! Yay! I am very happy to not be vomiting excessively anymore, however there are definitely some down falls of being on 3 different kinds of medication at the same time. I feel as if I eat more pills than food these days, which is really something to say because I eat alot, but I am glad to have some relief.
Time seems to be burning by this pregnancy. I cannot believe I am already 24 weeks! I remember being pregnant with Nola, time seemed to drag by. I was counting down the days to be one week further along. Now, I can't seem to remember which week I am in! I am sure chasing around my toddler has helped in this department :)
This is a picture Doug just took of me. I don't look too good, but it is the end of a long weekend! Here I am at 24 weeks!
You look beautiful! Duh! :)