During Nola's first year of life, I would do a monthly update on her. Well, she is now nearly 16 months old and I haven't updated in a while, so here is a little bit about Nola Mae today!
- She is a happy girl. A really, really happy girl. She is super social and sweet! Anytime we go out in public, she will honestly stop at EVERY person she sees, waves and says 'Hi!' It is so sweet to watch! Most people goo and gah over her...obviously :)
- She is a great sleeper. Of course, like all human beings, she has her off nights, but she has been a super sleeper! We lay her down and she'll put herself to sleep! If she's not tired yet, she'll play in her crib until she's tired. There are many nights we hear her turn on Tabby or kick the wall to burn some energy. Every time I hear her, I can't help but smile.
- Nola is bottle free! Yay! At 15 months, she started losing interest in her bottle, so I figured I would run with it! She will take a sippy cup of milk in the morning and then eats rice cereal before bed! I am honestly so happy! I was scared that I would still have to feed her a bottle before bed when the new baby comes, and that overwhelmed me. She loves her Mommy and she's looking out for me :)
- Thanks to Auntie Cola (AKA The Baby Whisperer) Nola has learned a few pieces of Baby Signing. Now, I am not all into the Baby Signing. I know its all the rage, but I was never interested...well, I wasn't until Nola started yelling at me for more food. She was driving me nuts! I had to be 100% on top of having food on her tray or she would yell at me! I tried to teach her to sign 'more', I tried to teach her to say 'mum-mum', I tried to ignore the yelling...I felt like I had tried everything, and nothing was working! Well, one afternoon with Auntie Cola and Eva and voila! Nola signs 'more' when she wants more! Since then, Doug and I have taught her 'drink' and 'all done'. It is so sweet when she walks up to me and signs 'more' 'drink'. I know what she wants! Yahoo!!
- Nola is learning who people are and recognizing them. I am not too sure exactly when this happened, but it was really cool to see her figuring it out! When we are with the family, I will say 'Go see Grampa' and she will look around for him, find him and walk right over! Its little things like this that make her seem so grown up.
Nola is the light of my life, the apple of my eye. I never knew I could feel love like this! Since I have been home from work, it has been so amazing to spend all of my time with her - to play and watch her grow. She is turning into a wonderful little girl and I am so proud of her!
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