

Sunday, April 27, 2014

6 month stat!!!

Weight: 15 lbs 9 oz - he has gained just shy of 2 lbs in one month!! That formula is doing him good!

Clothing: 3-6 month

Diapers: 2 snaps in on each side of an applecheek, size 3 disposables

Teeth : None

Milestones/What's new:
- scooting! He can get all over the place, scooting himself around.
- getting up on his hands and knees. He isn't crawling, but his gets up and rocks back and forth. Heèll be off before we know it!!
- FOOD! John John is just loving the baby cereal, and boy does he ever make a mess!

- moving! Honest, he is al over the place.
- the exersaucer and jolly jumper. He has such a blast! He was jumping to CCR the other night and was just given it!!
- his toes :)
- hanging out in the ERGO.
- as always, Nola and Robbie.
- playing airplane with Daddy. Doug raises him up in the air and blasts him around - he loves it!!

Mommy loves:
- watching him wiggle around on the floor. My little worm!
- having our baths. He splashes and kicks the whole time.
- wearing him. Nothing better than having your baby in kissing-reach all day long!
- snuggling him to sleep. He really is such an angel!

Grow on, Big Boy! Love you too the moon!!

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