

Monday, January 12, 2015

Robbie these days


Age: 3 years and 4 months.

Favourite things to do
- 'spuggle', which means snuggle. He is the cuddliest little boy on the planet! Many times per day he asks for a 'spuggle' - whether at home, at a friends, at church, or anywhere else. When he does snuggle, he cuddles right in and usually we finish with a squeeze and a HUGE kiss.
- being a monster. This is the patent Robbie way to play - he runs after everyone pretending he is a monster. The funny thing is, if the role is reversed and you chase him like a monster, it will terrify him. Haha - he can dish it out, but he totally cant take it.
- tubby time. He, like Nola, loves to play in the bath. They would be in there for hours if I'd let them!
- play spiderman. He loves all things spiderman! Although he loves him, he has yet to be convinced that spriderman is indeed a good guy. If you tell him he is a good guy, he will persist that he is a 'boo-guy', which means bad guy.
- pretending he is a puppy. It's funny, because Nola likes kitties which automatically meant Robbie must love puppies. If you ask Robbie if he likes kitties or wants to play kitties, he will tell you 'No, Nola kitty. Robbie puppy'. He will crawl around, ruff and pant like a puppy. He has a stuffed puppies that he loves as well - Harley.
- Frozen, or as he calls it 'Let it go'. The other night, he took one of Nola's dolls to bed and called it 'Let it go princess'. I could hear him in his bed singing the song :) He LOVES Olaf and will sing and act out the song Olaf sings on the movie.
- playing with Nola. He is a pretty easy going play mate and 99% of the time he is happy doing whatever as long as he is doing it with Nola. Often, Nola leads the play and he gets right into it - playing whatever kind of character she suggests and following her lead. When he does try to lead the play, Nola is so supportive! Watching them play is a light in my life.
- reading books. He will spend much time on his floor in his bedroom looking at books. Usually, he doesn't want me to read him the books, he just wants to look on his own.
- play Donkey Kong with Daddy. We got a wii ages ago and just pulled it out when we moved to the new place. He asks EVERYDAY to play Donkey Kong with Daddy. It's so cute because Doug will just give Rob a remote while Doug plays and Robbie thinkg he is playing with him :)

Favourite food
- eggies
- homemade tortillas and buns
- cucumbers
- oatmeal
- chicken and fries
- juice
- cereal. Any kind of cereal, he'll eat it.
- rice

Not-so-favourite foods
- carrots
- lettuce
- macaroni and cheese

Best friends
- Daddy
- Grandpa
- Papa
- Uncle AJ
He thinks all these men hung the moon :)

Random tid-bits
- he very rarely wears pants. He is usually running around in his pull-ups
- still not potty trained.
- he is 'scared' of everything... this past week he has been scared of the tassles on his toque and his chicken nuggets.
- he just started Primary at church!!! My little sunbeam!
- he loves to pick his nose.

Mommy's favourite things about Robbie
- his snuggles. Oh my, Robbie's snuggles cure all that troubles me in my life. He is so loving, so tender. His love is real and raw and you can feel it so deeply. Sometimes, if I am feeling blue, I crawl into bed with him and just wrap up in his love.
- his kisses. He gives me massive, wet kisses straight on my lips. I know that mouth kisses are not for everyone, but I LOVE them. Robbie will hold my cheeks in his hands, look me straight in the eyes and kiss me. It melts me heart!
- watching him play with Nola. They really are best friends. I hope their relationship can last, but if it doesn't, I am certainly going to relish it while it lasts.
- watching him eat. SO FUNNY! He starts with a utensil of some sort, but usually always resorts to his hands. He doesn't sit in his booster chair, he sits perched up on the edge of it. While eating, he grunts and you can hear him breathing. He gets COVERED in food and is a massive mess at the end of every meal. I cannot tell you how many times Doug and I pause mid-meal to watch him and chuckle.

My Robbers, you are my ray of sunshine. I am truly blessed to be able to be your Mom. Love you Duff!

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