

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Nola is 7!!!

How has this happened?!? My baby! My first born! 7?! Wow...time flies.

Dougie was in Quebec for Nola's birthday, which was pretty hard on her, however we tried to make the day extra special for her! She woke to presents and chocolate chip pancakes! The boys gave her 'three cheers' and she loved that. At school that day, she had 'scientists in the classroom' and got to do a bunch of fun experiments.

That evening, Grandpa, Nana and Papa came over for dinner. Pizza and ceaser salad - Nola's request! She then got to open a few more gifts and had so much fun playing with her grandparents.

My dear Nola, how deep my love is for you. You are beautiful, inside and out. You are full of life and have such a passion for all you do! You are a loving sister, giving friend and the best daughter I could have ever dreamed of. It is a privileged to watch you grow and learn. I love you, my sweet sis!

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