

Sunday, January 9, 2011

10 month stats

Weight: 19 lbs 3 oz
Clothing: 6-12 months & 9 months
Diaper: 3
Teeth: front top two and front bottom two
Toy: bike, push walker, elephant, dragonfly, board game boxes, TV remote, toothbrush
Song: 'somewhere over the rainbow', 'good morning', super why theme song
Food: tomatoes, oranges, ritz crackers, yogurt
Noise: laughing, 'yeah', random jabbering
Activity: walking with her walker, reading books, being tossed around by Daddy, sitting in her high chair, feeding herself, standing all on her own, stepping, playing with Grandma (she's such a ham!), chewing on the crib (bad habit), watching Mommy play the guitar
- walking!! She took her first step on her 10 month birthday (Jan 8, 2011)
- feed her self new foods.
- talking alot more - new sounds and lots of jabbering.
- getting dressed
- getting her diaper changed (we accidentally poked her with a diaper pin)
- having her nose/face wiped
- her Daddy :) He always plays with her and they have so much fun!
- Grandma Sedrovic. She usually sees her Grandma twice a week. Every time Grandma is around, Nola acts like a total Ham!
- listening to Mommy sing and play the guitar. She'll watch intently and then dance :)
Best part for Mommy:
- watching her grow up. When she first sat on the bike she got for Christmas, it hit me that shes not my little baby anymore. She's a big girl!
- when I wake up in the morning, I'll go into her room, where she is standing in her crib, waiting for me. When she sees me, she starts jumping and laughing. What a way to start the day!
- watching her feed herself.
- swaddling her and feeding her bottle, especially in the night time :)
- playing.
- watching Doug play with Nola. He loves her soooo much! My heart just melts!

1 comment:

  1. You and Nola are twins for sure! Cute girl she will be running in no time watch out!!
