

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Alright, I'm gonna level with ya. I don't like Halloween. Like, at all. I think it is a huge waste of money, HOWEVER I will abide to social convention for my kids.

This year, I worked Halloween day. When I woke up that morning, I felt sick in my stomach, but I just took a Gravol and went on my way. Shortly after the bank opened, I felt really weird. I told my boss, who demanded I leave immediately. It was weird...why was she freakng out so much? I didn't even cash out - I just grabbed my purse and left. I made it to just outside Coalhurst before it hit me. HOLY SMOKES! No wonder they wanted me to leave! I guess a collegue had this same bug and she couldn't even make it it the bathroom, so she got sick on the floor of the bank. I feel sorry for anyone who drove past me, as I didn't have enough to to even unbuckle my seat belt, let alone get over t the ditch :S

Needless to say, I wasn't super excited to trick-or-treat. We did take the kids out for about a half hour. We just did a cul-de-sac by the Watmough's and then went to Wendy Millers and the Puzeys. By the time we got home, both kids were bawling! Haha. Once they had a taste of the candy, they were happy again.

Here are some pic's of my little darlings.

Happy Halloween!

Haha, I'll explain. Nola opened a sucker, but then we couldn't find it. We looked everywhere...where could it have gone?? Haha.


  1. I'm not a big fan of Halloween either, but the kiddo's love it. Hope your feeling better.

  2. haha classic shot of the two of them crying their eyes out in their costumes. haha.
