

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Happy Birthday Papa!

A few weekends back we went to Cardston for Sunday afternoon. With our different church responsibilities, it is difficult to sneak away. It was our Stake Conference and we didn't have out usual Sunday duties, so we took the opportunity to go. The day before was Papa's birthday, so after dinner we had a cake and sang happy birthday. The kids were so excited!!

Another reason we went down was so Doug could help Dad with providing a priesthood blessing for Mama. That following Wednesday she was scheduled for her knee replacement and of course, she was nervous. I wish I could express the feeling that was felt during the blessing...peace, strength, love, clarity. It was beautiful. just yesterday, Mama shared her experience with us in regards to the blessing. Just to share a piece of what she said, as soon as both Papa and Doug's hands were on her head, she said she could feel the power to the priesthood radiate through her body. She knew everything was going to be great.

I am so grateful for the gospel in my life and especially the priesthood. I have been blessed time and time again by the gift of the priesthood. How unbelievably grateful I am to Doug for holding and honouring the priesthood he holds. It is such a privilege to watch my father in law honour and exercise his priesthood. Papa, you are. Shining example to us - especially your son and grandsons.

I love spending time with my mother and father in law. You guys are amazing. Thanks for loving me like your own!!

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