

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Fernie over-nighter

My mom and Dad bought a trailer to leave in AJ and Sarah’s yard down in Fernie, so when they go down to see them and Alice, they have a place to stay. Mom invited the kids and I down for an over-nighter in the trailer. It was lots of fun!! The drive down was great – the kids watched a show while Mom and I chatted. I really do love my mom so much! She is one of my bestest friends. Once in Fernie, we hung out for a bit and then headed to Tie Lake. Margaret was watching Lacey for the day, so they joined us!! It really was awesome. The kids were so happy to play with Auntie Sar, Grandma and GG in the water, I was happy to get my hands on Ali and Nola was a total fish!! She is getting so brave in the water.

After the beach, we stopped at 3&93 for ice cream. Yum!!! John was so cute – when we listed off the ice cream flavours he exclaimed, ‘There is mango?!? I love mango! It’s my favourite!!’ The poor guy dropped his ice cream half way through, had the saddest cry about it and then got a new one. He’s so spoiled!

Once we got back to AJ and Sar’s we BBQ’d some hotdogs and smokies for dinner. Auntie Kerry joined us for dinner which was lovely. After dinner we visited for a while and then got the kids to bed. Nola had a hard time falling asleep, but once asleep the kids did great.

The next day we hung around the trailer. Sar and I took the kiddos for a walk down to the river. Alice slept while the kids played in the water. It was actually quite hilarious – they made a play for us! They found some big sticks which looked like staffs and were inspired to put on a play entitled ‘The Story of Jesus.’ Nola and Rob started in the water and told a bit about who Jesus was. Then Nola ran on to the shore and laid down in the rocks. While pretending to be sick, she narrated the story. “Jesus saw a girl sick on the shore” She would then tell Robbie to come to her on the shore. “Jesus blessed her” Robbie then poked Nola with his stick. Nola jumps up and exclaims “It’s a miracle! I am healed!” Then she announces that she wanted to be baptized, so her and Robbie walked into the water and Robbie tried to baptize her. It was SO funny – they were in the water and trying to get in the proper position for baptism. They danced around each other for a few moments and then Robbie finally just grabbed Nola and brought his little hand to the square. I wish I would have got a picture of that!! After that position didn’t work, Robbie grabbed Nola by the back of the neck and just pushed her face into the water. Bahaha! I was glad to get a picture! It’s nice to see that the kids are retaining some of the things we are teaching them with the gospel.

Once back at the trailer we had a snack, packed up and headed home. It was so great to spend time with family and make memories. I love my family so much!!! They are such a blessing to us.

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