

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas dinner

  Mama and I puttered around the kitchen getting things ready for Christmas dinner most of the afternoon. I did, however, get to sneak away for a bit to go sledding with our new sleds!!

  My folks came over around 3 and we all visited. I am so blessed to have parents and in-laws who get along!!! We had a delicious turkey dinner with all the fixings!

  After dinner we had gift opening round 2!! 

Nola: puppy surprise, giant colouring book, board game

Robbie: transformer, power ranger, board game

John: fire truck, peppa pig, books

Doug and Jess: clothes, money for our February Trip

We also got a new Wii!! Yahoo!

Tending the twins :) Mama and I took turns all day watching them.

Johnny dancing to grandpa's music :)

  After gifts mom, mama, Doug and papa cleaned up, dad played with Rob and Nola, John and I coloured. We the. Are some dessert and then dad played the guitar for us :)

  The kids are now in bed. What a wonderful and successful Christmas at home. How truly fortunate and blessed I am! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. They still make puppy surprise? I remember those when I was little.
