

Monday, July 6, 2015

Fish! Fish! Fish!

Last year, we visited the public library every week. Once we were down to one vehicle, however, those library trips stopped.  About a month ago, while driving in the van, Nola says 'Hey! We haven't been to the library in for-ev-er! Can we go?' Truthfully, I kind of forgot about it. We loved going last year, however John is not a little baby anymore. I was a little anxious as to how I would handle three busy kids in the library, but it went great!

Nola and Robbie went straight to the computers to play games. Luckily, now there are 2 kiddie computers!! They can each play on one which makes things way better for me. As for John? Fish! Fish! Fish! The kid is OBSESSED with the fish. He stands on the little rock ledge, talks to the fish and laughs. He is in heaven. I can get him into the actual library for a few minutes, mostly to play a puzzle or have a quick snuggle on the bean bag chairs, but before I know it, He is running out the door yelling 'Fish! Fish! Fish!'

The kids love Pete the Cat books and are happy to pick a new movie to bring home. And of course, we take a little ride on the elevator before we leave. 

I am so glad Nola reminded me about the library! What an amazing resource we have. Here's to more happy library trips!

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