

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

4 month stat!

Weight: 14 lbs 2 oz

Clothing: 3 to 6 months

Diapers: 2

Teeth: none

- smiling. Man, he is just the happiest little guy.
- playing with his toys. This past weekend, he started to grab his toys on his play tent! I love watching him grow! He also plays with a light-up ducky :)
- sitting and standing. He is not one to snuggle, but he loves to either sit or stand on my lap. He's my strong boy.
- having a bath. He could be screaming his lungs out, but once you get him in his bath, he's as happy as a clam.
- yammering! This kid doesn't shut up, but it's a good thing.
- drooling. Well, I don't know if he loves it, but he sure does it a lot.

- being left alone. He is happy and calm if you are in the room with him, but when he's left alone, he's got something to say about it.

- grabbing his toys.
- almost rolling over. He makes it up on to his side and gets stuck.

Mommy loves:
- darn near everything. I am enjoying Robbie so much!
- his smiles.
- bath time.
- nursing. This may be my favorite part of babies.
- listening to his stories. They go on and on!

I love my porkchop so much! He has such a special spirit and I am so glad to be his Mommy.

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