

Saturday, October 24, 2015


A few weeks back, we were having a visit with GG in Fernie and we we decided to take the kids up to the graveyard to visit the stones of Great Grandpa Joey and Great Nana Alice. We have taken Nola in the past, but this is the first time we brought all three kids.

Nola drew pictures for each of them and was excited to leave it at their stones. She understands that they no longer live on earth, but that they are with Heavenly Father!and of course, Sadie, my mom and dad's old dog :) Robbie was quite confused about the whole thing. He kept asking to see Great Grandpa Joey. John was oblivious, as he is only 2. 

I was very special for me to go and visit the stones. I miss my Grandpa and Nana so very much. Grandpa Joey passed away when I was young and how I wish I would have had the opportunity to know him better.  I do remember him loving microwave popcorn with extra salt and that he adored my Grandmother. I love hearing the stories GG and my Dad have to tell about him. He was a strong man, my Grandpa. Firm in his convictions and ever loyal. I imagine him to be much like my father. I like that.

I knew my Nana well. We really did spend much time together. I used to visit her every day after school. She would send me to the grocery store with $50 to buy one can of alphagetti and a deep and delicious cake, then tell me to keep the change. Of course, I never did. She also had body power with a big puff in her bathroom and an old ottoman filled with buttons. Her dog, Peanut, would only get of the chair if you tricked him by throwing a treat for him to go get. My Nana was so filled with literally poured from her. She was so beautiful, every whit.

How I wish they could have seen me grow up...that they could meet their great grandchildren and be a part of our lives on earth. I know they both would be over the moon about my kids. I could just picture Nana loving my babies...just thinking if it brings a tear to my eye.

Fortunately, Heavenly Father has the most beautiful plan which means I get to see Grandpa and Nana again. We will embrace, rejoice, share stories and pick up where we left off. Isn't that so beautiful?!

I love my family - both on this earth and passed. Family can be together forever, through Heavenly Fathers plan.

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